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Copper Mountain Technologies is one of the fastest-growing companies leading the vector network analyzers industry today.

Copper Mountain Technologies Master Class Webinar: Materials Measurement at 5G Frequencies - RF Cafe

Copper Mountain Technologies Master Class Webinar: Materials Measurement at 5G Frequencies

Indianapolis, Indiana, January 13, 2021 - On Wednesday, January 20th at 2:00 PM EST (GMT -5:00), Copper Mountain Technologies will present another of its VNA Master Class Webinar series entitled "Materials Measurement at 5G Frequencies." This webinar will demonstrate the use of free-space spot probes to characterize materials at 20 to 40 GHz, of interest to new 5G millimeter wave frequencies. A table-top measurement system using CMT's S5243 VNA will be used to determine transmission and/or reflection of materials. From these measurements, the webinar will discuss the calculation of dielectric properties of measured materials. The agenda consists of free space measurement description, example measurements & dielectric calculation and a Q&A session at the end. There is no cost for attendance.


About Copper Mountain Technologies

Copper Mountain Technologies develops innovative RF test and measurement solutions for engineers all over the world. It is based in Indianapolis with sales offices in Singapore, London, and Miami. The company pioneered metrology-grade USB VNAs in 2011 and continues to push for innovation and change in the industry, offering a broad range of USB vector network analyzers, calibration kits, and accessories for 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm impedance from 9 kHz to 110 GHz. The VNAs use software for Windows® or Linux® operating system on an external computer, PC, or tablet. CMT VNAs are used by engineers in defense, automotive, materials measurement, medical, broadcasting, telecommunications and other industries. All CMT VNAs include application and automation support, and years of our engineering expertise at your disposal.


Contact Info

Copper Mountain Technologies

631 East New York Street

Indianapolis, IN  46202 | USA

Phone: 1-317-222-5400

WWeb: www.coppermountaintech.com



Posted January 15, 2021

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe

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