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Copper Mountain Technologies' R140B 1-Port VNA with Flexible Connector Configuration

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Copper Mountain Technologies Release Compact VNAs with Improved Performance - RF Cafe

Copper Mountain Technologies R140B 1-Port VNA with Flexible Connector Configuration.

Indianapolis, Indiana, June 20, 2022 - Copper Mountain technologies' new R140B 1-Port 14 GHz Analyzer is an enhanced version of its predecessor - the R140 reflectometer - featuring faster measurement speeds, wider IFBW, and an improved dynamic range. The R140B incorporates a new housing design similar to CMT's R60, taking advantage of enhanced heat exchange characteristics and a sturdy USB shroud. It will feature a new connector assembly, which includes four different port connector options (N male, female; 3.5 mm male, female). The new connector assembly enables flexible configuration while maintaining a small form factor suited for laboratory, field, or production environment applications.

R140B is an enhanced version of its predecessor - the discontinued R140 reflectometer - featuring faster measurement speeds, wider IFBW, and an improved dynamic range. It utilizes a flexible connector assembly, which includes four different port connector options (N male, female; 3.5 mm male, female).

Copper Mountain Technologies' R140B Specifications - RF Cafe"With built-in differential measurement capabilities, this product will enhance the design and production of next-generation HDMI and USB cables for consumer goods and high bandwidth data for automotive and aerospace applications," explained CMT's Senior RF Engineer SME, Brian Walker who spoke about how the Multiport VNA solution will benefit users. "Full Far End and Near End crosstalk can be quickly and easily measured between any two of four twisted pairs in cable assemblies such as HDMI or shielded automotive cable bundles. Simplifying the evaluation of multiple RF channel phases for beam-steering applications."


About Copper Mountain Technologies

Copper Mountain Technologies develops innovative RF test and measurement solutions for engineers worldwide. Our development and production teams create solutions that enable RF and Microwave engineers to extend their reach through access to lab-grade instruments at affordable prices. Our world-class metrology and engineering resources work as an extension of your team. Copper Mountain Technologies is based in Indianapolis, IN, with sales offices in Singapore, London, and Miami.

Copper Mountain Technologies provides vector network analyzers for thousands of clients in close to 100 countries around the world. Our VNAs include an RF measurement module and a software application that runs on an external PC laptop or tablet, and connects to the measurement hardware via USB interface. Users can take advantage of the latest operating systems, processing power, larger displays, and reliable performance of an external PC while realizing a lower total cost of ownership and simplified maintenance. The result is a faster, more effective test process that fits into the modern workspace.


Contact Info

Copper Mountain Technologies
631 East New York Street
Indianapolis, IN  46202 | USA

Phone: 1-317-222-5400




Posted September 23, 2022

Crane Aerospace Electronics Microwave Solutions: Space Qualified Passive Products
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