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Windfreak Technologies


Educational Articles / By David Goins

Windfreak Blog: The Ins and Outs of Radio Frequency - RF CafePort Richey, Florida, January 18, 2021 - David Goins, founder of and chief engineer for Windfreak Technologies, has written a number of application notes pertaining to the specification and testing of RF and microwave frequency signal generators. "The Ins and Outs of Radio Frequency" is addressed to people not familiar with the concept of electromagnetic radiation, and uses a very nicely designed infographic format to augment the brief textual discussion. It is a great classroom prop for introducing middle and high school students to radio.

"Radio frequencies are used in a wide range of items, but most people do not understand how they work or are used in our daily lives. A radio frequency is a type of electromagnetic energy and is measured in hertz, and it is used by radars, radios, televisions, microwaves, GPS, cells phones, and satellites. When you are buying these types of products, you should look for items that come with warranties, are high in quality, and have the required functionality. Take the time to do your research to learn more about how radio frequencies work and how much of an impact it has in daily life activities. "



About Windfreak Technologies

Windfreak Technologies provides low cost, quality, innovative RF products that are used in a wide range of highly technical applications. Since the conception of Windfreak, our products have been purchased by a wide range of customers from around the world. Customers include hobbyists, education facilities, and government agencies. Our continued commitment is to keep our overhead extremely low, enabling us to provide high quality, low cost, Made-in-the-USA products. For more information about Windfreak Technologies' products or the website, please contact David Goins at 1+ (727) 490-8812 or email: dgoins@windfreaktech.com.

Made in the USA



David Goins, CTO
Windfreak Technologies, LLC
New Port Richey, Florida 34652
Office: +1 (727) 490-8812

URL: www.windfreaktech.com

Email: dgoins@windfreaktech.com



Posted January 3, 2023

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe
Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

dB Control dB-9006 Magnum Opus Synthesizer - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe