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RF Cascade Workbook© 2005 User's Guide - Chapter 3

Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Version 1.11

by Kirt Blattenberger

RF Cafe Website


Chapter 3

3    Inband System Specification

Inband system specifications are located in the upper left region of the “Inband” worksheet as shown in Figure 3. A brief explanation of each parameter is given in Table 1. All cell input data is validated for correctness.


RF Cafe: RF Cascade Workbook 2005 screen

Figure 3    System Specification Input Areas - "Inband"







Signal power level at system input

-1000 to +1000




System reference temperature – used for noise power calculations. (-273.15 is absolute zero)

-273.14 to +1000




Minimum system SNR used to calculate the dynamic range (SDR)

-100 to +100




Determines whether the interface VSWR mismatch errors are included in the cascaded Gain equation, which in turn affects every other equation in the system.

“y” or “Y” to include

“n” or “N” to exclude



Table 1    System Input Parameters - "Inband"

RF Cafe: RF Cascade Workbook 2005 screen

Figure 4    System Specification Input Areas - "Filter-Mixer"






Frequency Units

Used in noise power calculations and for filter/mixer calculations. This value is used throughout the workbook for column headers and calculations.

“g” or “G” = GHz

“m” or “M” = MHz

“k” or “K” = kHz



Input Frequency

Defines input frequency range for filter and mixer calculations.

          Low: Lower input frequency

          High: Upper input frequency

          # Steps: Number of frequency steps between Low and High limits. !Important! If this number is changed, then the number of both the "Freq" columns and the "Psig" columns must be changed to match.

10-9 to < High

Low< to 1012



Frequency Units

Table 2    System Input Parameters - "Filter-Mixer"


Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

        9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Version 1.11

by Kirt Blattenberger

RF Cafe Website


Chapter 3

Temwell Filters
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