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Wireless Engineering Crossword Puzzle
April 22, 2012
of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.
1. Controlled impedance transmission
line on a substrate (pl.) 9. Runge-_____ method in differential
equations 13. Stock symbol for Advanced Micro Devices
14. Type of logic gate 15. One component of a complex number
(abbr.) 16. International Microwave Symposium (abbr.)
17. Chemical symbol for xenon 18. Chemical symbol for gadolinium
19. Computer character set (abbr.) 20. Greek letter 21.
Chemical symbol for arsenic 24. Chemical symbol for silicon
25. Chemical symbol for neptunium 27. Elemental compound
used for microwave frequency reference oscillators (abbr.)
28. Type of high-tech data gathering system (abbr.) 30. Its
chemical symbol is Xe 32. Deutsche Industrie Normenausschuss
34. Company that leases lab equipment, in Lake Mary, FL (abbr.)
35. Factor of ten 36. User input device for a cellphone
40. Stock symbol for Raytheon 42. Electromagnetic interference
(abbr.) 43. Has a positive phase wrt a reference 45. Greek
letter, used to indicate summation 46. Semiconductor device
type (abbr.) 47. Chemical symbol for gallium 49. Chemical
symbol for lawrencium 50. Type of component package (abbr.)
52. Half of a DIP 53. Does not pass electrical test 55.
Opposite of a LO 56. One type of electron spin 58. Unit
of current 60. Filter type that blocks lower frequencies
(abbr.) 62. Peak Inverse Voltage 63. Scheme to maintain
proper frequency (abbr.) 64. 8 GHz to 12.5 GHz 65. Result
of subtraction (pl.) |
1. Its symbol in engineering
and science is phi (Φ) (2 wds.) 2. Intermodulation distortion
(abbr.) 3. Chemical symbol for cadmium 4. Just entering
the nonlinear region 5. System On Chip 6. Type of shielded
RF cable with two inner conductors 7. Infrared (abbr.)
8. Time taken for one complete oscillation of a vibrating object
9. Unit of length (abbr.) 10. Country of RF Cafe's residency
11. Mate to an RX 12. Branch of physics that studies the
motion of gaseous fluids, and their effect on solid bodies moving
through them 16. Charged particle 22. The sum is greater
than the parts 23. Slang for an Amateur License (pl.)
24. Chemical symbol for tin 26. BlackBerry or Palm for example
(abbr.) 29. Front edge of a wing (abbr.) 31. WWW browser
33. Opposite of O.D. 37. 1/6 inch printer's measure 38.
Compound used as the frequency determining element in microwave
oscillators 39. Software language by Borland 41. Chemical
symbol for thulium 44. Chemical symbol for argon 45. Work
out the solution to an equation 48. MS's server-side script
engine for dynamically-generated web pages (abbr.) 51. ELI
the ICE ___ 54. Type of digital filter (abbr.) 55. Gary
Breed's fine magazine on RF & microwaves topics (abbr.)
57. Chemical symbol for lead 59. Chemical symbol for mendelevium
61. Unit of capacitance (abbr.) 63. Type of current flow
(abbr.) |
See solution below