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Electrical Engineering Crossword Puzzle
July 28, 2013

2013 Crosswords Archive

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Electrical Engineering Crossword Puzzle for July 28, 2013 - RF Cafe

1. Original Equipment Manufacturer (abbr.)
4. A statement that has been proven on the basis of previously established statements
8. IC socket type for easy insertion & removal (abbr.)
11. Peripheral Component Interface (abbr.)
12. Unit of frequency
13. Ham's code for "Are my signals fading?"
15. Electronics Industry Association (abbr.)
16. Online service
17. Modern battlefield technique (abbr.)
18. Discipline for aircraft navigation in low visibility environments (abbr.)
21. Galilean moon
22. Printer resolution abbreviation
23. Proportion of two numbers
25. Control and monitoring board
26. Chemical symbol for francium
27. Chemical symbol for bromine
28. Tweaks a filter for the correct response
29. Analog-to-Digital (abbr.)
31. FCC's Universal Licensing System (abbr.)
33. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.)
34. The Microwave Office software company (abbr.)
37. 1/6 inch printer's measure
39. Chemical symbol for europium
40. ELI the ICE ___
43. Open-______ or closed-______ system
45. Kept track of events
46. Aircraft navigation systems
47. Half of the diameter (pl.)
48. Bushing used to direct the path of a pushrod
49. Time Division Multiple Access
50. Its chemical symbol is Br
54. Impenetrable physical barrier
56. Satellite TV system
57. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
58. Network department (abbr.)
59. Family of ICs with a certain component density level (abbr.)
60. Chemical symbol for thallium
61. Mr. Piper's famous yellow airplane
63. Chemical symbol for antimony
65. Enrico _____, nuclear physicist
66. Last stage in a transmitter (abbr.)
67. A common battery cell size
69. Alternative name for Beta Persei
71. Parameter that is a figure of merit for receiver performance in presence of multiple signals (abbr., pl.)
73. Early computer display screen recolution (abbr.)
76. Chemical symbol for erbium
78. Using the moon as a passive reflector to establish a signal path; moonbounce (abbr.)
79. Greek letter used for frequency
80. Be behind in phase
82. Country of RF Cafe's residency
83. Design for Manufacturability (abbr.)
85. Charged particle
86. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
87. Miniature threaded RF connector
88. Insert a doping ion into a semiconductor lattice
89. The "B" in BER
1. The LM741 was the first
2. Engineering Change Order (abbr.)
3. 1/000 of an inch
4. Code for a type of electrical wire insulation (abbr.)
5. CPS
6. Equalizer (abbr.)
7. Degree of IC sophistication (abbr.)
8. One system's phonetic letter "z"
9. Input intercept point (abbr.)
10. Does not pass electrical test
12. Engineer who experimented with extremely high voltages
14. Threaded fasteners
18. International Amateur Radio Union (abbr.)
19. Unit of length (abbr.)
20. Airfoil shapers
23. Part of this website's title
24. Type of logic gate
30. Logarithmic unit of ratio
32. Computer communication scheme (abbr.)
33. Managers are in charge of them
34. Chemical symbol for aluminum
35. An 8-bit unit (pl.)
36. Moves from cell to cell
38. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
39. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors
40. Software description of an electronic component
41. Length times width, pl.
42. Unit of time (abbr.)
44. BlackBerry or Palm for example (abbr.)
46. Digital encoding of the transmission mode in the vertical sync portion of an SSTV image (abbr.)
49. Time delay (abbr.)
51. Type of flip-flop
52. Minutes of Use (abbr.)
53. Chemical symbol for nickel
55. Chemical symbol for lithium
60. Determined temporal distance between events
61. RF ____, the world's best engineering website
62. No insulation
64. Balanced-to-unbalanced device
65. Name of the fixed point from which the distances to any point on a parabola are connected by a linear relation
66. Unit of time (abbr.)
68. Chemical symbol for arsenic
70. Electromagnetic radiation in the visible band
72. Decimeter (abbr.)
74. Global System for Mobile Communications (abbr.)
75. A common battery cell size
77. Radio frequency interference (abbr.)
79. Logical negation operator
80. Lower sideband (abbr.)
81. Ticker symbol for Analog Devices
84. Unit of length (abbr.)
85. One port of an amplifier

See solution below


Electrical Engineering Crossword Puzzle Solution for July 28, 2013 - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs
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