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RF & Microwave Crossword Puzzle
February 24, 2013

2013 Crosswords Archive

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RF & Microwave Crossword Puzzle for February 24, 2013 - RF Cafe

1. A radio operator’s name
4. Capacity for carrying current
8. Lowest power level capable of being demodulated (abbr.)
10. Design for Manufacturability (abbr.)
11. Part of CAD
13. Ham's code for "Can you copy me?"
15. Nano___, a cylindrical form of graphene
17. Search engine
18. One port of an amplifier
19. The "brains" of parallel processing computers
21. Chemical symbol for neon
22. Chemical symbol for cobalt
23. Runge-_____ method in differential equations
25. Electronic assembly transport container (pl.)
27. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors
28. Indium phosphide
29. Opposite of set
32. Type of flip-flop
33. Chemical symbol for berkelium
34. Chemical symbol for rubidium
35. Longitudinal shape-forming structural element
37. Equipment
38. Chemical symbol for lithium
40. Army-Navy specification prefix
41. A common battery cell size
42. This is a subatomic particle having a mass between that of an electron and a proton
43. Logic family
44. 3 MHz to 30 MHz
45. Quickly changing portions of waveforms
47. Base of the octal number system
49. Home state of Los Alamos lab (abbr.)
50. Chemical symbol for lanthanum
51. Last keyword in a BASIC subroutine (pl.)
53. Min-to-max voltage of a waveform (abbr.)
54. Volts, meters, pints, pounds, eg.
56. Unit of resistance (pl.)
59. Heatsink feature
61. Tool for holding parts while working on them (pl.)
62. Logarithmic reflectivity unit
64. Electronics Industry Association (abbr.)
66. Plane geometric figure having three straight sides and three angles
67. Electro-mechanical control devices
1. Form of energy arising from the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules
2. Impurity in a semiconductor
3. 1/6 inch printer's measure
4. Application Specific Integrated Circuit (abbr.)
5. A digital counter input line used to establish an initial value
6. Chemical symbol for cadmium
7. Unit of weight
9. Sets of 24-hour periods
10. Logarithmic ratio (abbr.)
12. Impurity in a semiconductor that adds a mobile electron in the conduction band
13. Ham's code for "Station is leaving the net."
14. Man who invented the steam engine and after whom the unit of power is named (2 wds.)
16. Balun with both ports unbalanced (pl.)
17. Chemical symbol for lutetium
18. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr., pl.)
20. Hewlett's partner
23. He developed a law stating the sum of all currents into and out of a node is zero
24. Test point (abbr.)
25. Structures of columns and rows
26. Multiply out a factored expression
30. Chemical symbol for erbium
31. Chemical symbol for chromium
33. Chemical symbol for beryllium
36. Army-Navy specification prefix
37. Chemical symbol for gallium
39. Network department (abbr.)
41. Unwanted 60- or 120- Hz modulation due to poor power supply filtering (2 wds.)
42. A type of average (pl.)
43. Chemical symbol for silver
45. Nuclear explosion byproduct harmful to electronic equipment (abbr.)
46. Adhering
48. A line on a map which joins points of equal pressure
49. Silicon transistor type (abbr.)
51. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (abbr.)
52. Unit of time (abbr.)
55. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
57. CPS
58. Miniature RF connector (pl.)
60. Type of digital filter (abbr.)
63. 1e-6 mA
65. Chemical symbol for arsenic

See solution below

















RF & Microwave Crossword Puzzle Solution for February 24, 2013 - RF Cafe

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