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RF Engineering Crossword Puzzle
May 12, 2013

2013 Crosswords Archive

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RF Engineering Crossword Puzzle for May 12, 2013 - RF Cafe

1. Large-value resistor connected across the filter capacitor in a power supply to discharge the filter capacitors when the supply is turned off (2 wds.)
14. Charged particles
15. Peripheral Component Interface (abbr.)
16. A common lamp tube gas
18. Band between RF and BB
20. Constellation : The lion
21. Very large unit of apparent power (abbr.)
22. The cell band above DCN
23. Chemical symbol for argon
24. Below ELF
28. Ham's code for "Shall I increase power?"
29. Trim a piece of Kapton tape to length
30. General Packet Radio Service
33. Thin layer of material deposited a surface
35. Positive voltage lead color
36. Output intercept point (abbr.)
37. Stock symbol for Yahoo
38. Low altitude earth orbit
39. Greek letter
40. Chemical symbol for neodymium
42. Archimedes is one type of this geometric shape (pl.)
44. Chemical symbol for scandium
45. Bulk Acoustic Wave
47. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.)
48. Test equipment (abbr.)
49. Radio Amateurs of Canada (abbr.)
51. Apply (as a voltage)
52. Stored energy
53. Network file transfer protocol (abbr.)
54. Chemical symbol for praseodymium
56. Network department (abbr.)
57. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc.
58. One type of electron spin
60. A vector quantity (typically a complex number) representing a sinusoidally varying current or voltage (pl.)
62. Unit of length (abbr.)
63. International Reply Coupon (abbr.)
65. Thing in a bill of material
66. Battery cell chemistry type (abbr.)
68. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE
69. End of soldering iron
70. Logical gate type (pl.)
71. Society of Civil and Structural Engineers (abbr.)
72. Error checking scheme (abbr.)
73. International Microwave Symposium (abbr.)
75. Surface Mount Technology
76. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors
77. Maximum Usable Frequency
79. Filter type that blocks upper frequencies (abbr.)
81. BlackBerry or Palm for example (abbr.)
83. Galilean moon
84. Join a male and a female connector
85. Type of data conversion device (abbr.)
86. Term used in soldering to describe the condition that occurs when the metals being soldered are hot enough to melt the solder so it flows over the surface
88. Type of source used by a Norton equivalent circuit
2. Chemical symbol for lithium
3. End of Life (abbr.)
4. Product of power and time
5. Digital storage oscilloscope (abbr.)
6. Angular speed unit
7. An abbreviation for "receiver"
8. Electronics Industry Association (abbr.)
9. Indium phosphide
10. Satellite EHF Communications for Mobile Multimedia
11. Unit of weight
12. Switch position
13. An abrupt change in a parametric value (pl.)
17. A receiver circuit consisting of a beat frequency oscillator and additional circuitry for enhanced reception of SSB signals (2 wds.)
19. Material property in the form of a liquid or a gas
23. Length times width, pl.
25. Network file transfer protocol (abbr.)
26. Region of Earth's atmosphere between the ground and the ionosphere
27. Separates the plates of a capacitor (pl.)
28. Ham's code for "Shall I stop sending?"
31. Personal Handy Phone System (abbr.)
32. Small DIP package (abbr.)
33. Area on a shaft for accommodating a setscrew
34. Line of Sight (abbr.)
41. 3rd planet
43. Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment
45. Filter type (abbr.)
46. Wired Equivalent Privacy (abbr.)
49. Type of data storage IC
50. Metric system (abbr.)
55. Type of data storage IC (pl.)
56. Charged particles
59. What kind of a number is divisible only by itself and 1
60. Permeability-tuned oscillator (abbr.)
61. "Texting" (abbr.)
62. Enrico _____, nuclear physicist
64. Hz
65. Opposites of outputs
67. First lines in software that call external libraries
68. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr., pl.)
74. Switch configuration (abbr.)
77. ELI the ICE ___
78. Semiconductor device type (abbr.)
79. Computer communication scheme (abbr.)
80. U.S. Spectrum allocation agency
81. Abbreviation for "power"
82. Automated Test Equipment (abbr.)
84. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
87. Chemical symbol for tin

See solution below

















RF Engineering Crossword Puzzle Solution for May 12, 2013 - RF Cafe

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