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Science & Engineering Crossword Puzzle
December 22, 2013

2013 Crosswords Archive

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Science & Engineering Crossword Puzzle for December 22, 2013 - RF Cafe

1. Chemical symbol for nickel
3. Southern lights - Aurora _________
9. Chemical symbol for californium
11. Turns on the computer
12. Type of reconfigurable memory (abbr.)
13. Transformer interwinding connection
16. Government program to bring electricity to farms (abbr.)
17. International phonetic alphabet letter "L"
18. 2nd part of this website's title
20. Switch position
21. "Calling any amateur radio station"
23. 1E6 cycle per second
25. European equivalent to the U.L.
26. Chemical symbol for erbium
27. Sets of 5 work days
29. Summer
31. One factor of a polynomial
34. Restrain voltage input
36. Longitudinal shape-forming structural element
38. A keyboard key
39. Logical negation operator
40. BER, 8 bits at a time
41. Type of component package (abbr.)
42. Chemical symbol for magnesium
43. Chemical symbol for mercury
45. Chemical symbol for argon
47. Galilean moon
48. Chemical symbol for europium
50. Heatsink feature (pl.)
52. Plane circular area (pl.)
54. Circuit for firing a radar magnetron (abbr., pl.)
56. Test point (abbr.)
57. Chemical symbol for gold
58. Test point (abbr.)
60. Chemical symbol for selenium
62. Chemical symbol for chlorine
63. Chemical symbol for aluminum
65. A feedback scheme to level out the receiver audio volume (abbr.)
67. A surface which curves inwards like the interior of a sphere
70. Ham's code for "What is the correct time?"
72. One component of a complex number (abbr.)
73. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr.)
74. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
75. Chemical symbol for cesium
76. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
78. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
79. The science of celestial bodies
84. Chemical symbol for lanthanum
85. Unit of apparent power (abbr.)
86. Chemical symbol for arsenic
87. Type of flip-flop
89. Electrical safety organization (abbr.)
90. Chemical symbol for ruthenium
92. Base 16 number system
93. Type of reconfigurable memory (abbr., pl.)
97. First man to orbit the earth - Yuri ...
101. Flash caused by an electric current ionizing a gas or vapor
102. File name extension for an ASCII file
103. 1E6 nanoseconds
104. 1E6 nanoseconds
1. Chemical symbol for niobium
2. Its chemical symbol is I
3. Capture leading edge of a signal
4. Country of RF Cafe's residency
5. Semiconductor and calculator company (abbr.)
6. Modulation type (abbr.)
7. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE
8. Separated by specific distances
9. Engineer's blood plasma
10. Type of modulation (abbr.)
14. Chemical symbol for polonium
15. Ham's code for "Does my frequency vary?"
16. 1st part of this website's title
17. One cutoff frequency specification for a bandpass filter
19. The "E" in BER
22. Ham's code for "Are my signals fading?"
23. Joining a male and a female connector
24. Point in the sky vertically above a given position
25. Software drafting tool (abbr.)
28. Official engineering change document (abbr., pl.)
30. Add an impurity to a semiconductor
32. Original Equipment Manufacturer (abbr.)
33. Temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (abbr., pl.)
35. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
36. O-scope time base action
37. Amateur Radio Association (abbr.)
41. Product offering type of Applied Wave Research (AWR), Applied Computer Sciences (ACS), Guided Wave Technology, Sunshine Design, etc.
42. Mathematical operation concerned only with the remainder when one number is divided by another
44. Mr. Kirchhoff's and Mr. Eiffel's first name
46. The "R" in R&D
47. One port of an amplifier
49. Unit of capacitance (abbr.)
51. Internet protocol (abbr.)
53. Chemical symbol for silicon
55. Unit of time (abbr.)
57. MS database
59. Chamber that receives air from a blower for distribution
61. A BPF specification (abbr.)
64. Equalizer (abbr.)
66. Third largest asteroid
68. Chemical symbol for nobelium
69. PC follower
71. Software device for tracking elapsed time
75. Wire
77. Constellation : The water snake
80. Boob tube (abbr.)
81. Chemical symbol for radium
82. 1e-6 mA
83. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.)
84. The quality factor of a component under operating conditions (1 wd. + 1 ltr.)
88. Electronically imaged a document
89. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
91. Electrical safety organization (abbr.)
94. Type of data storage IC
95. Type of logic gate (pl.)
96. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.)
98. A common battery cell size
99. Global System for Mobile Communications (abbr.)
100. Automatic Calibration System (abbr.)

See solution below

















Science & Engineering Crossword Puzzle Solution for December 22, 2013 - RF Cafe

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