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RF Engineering Crossword Puzzle
March 17, 2013 (St. Patrick's Day)

2013 Crosswords Archive

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RF Engineering Crossword Puzzle for March 17, 2013 (St. Patrick's Day) - RF Cafe

1. A coherent monochrome light source (pl.)
4. Number defined as a one followed by 100 noughts
7. Hit a component with an electrostatic discharge
8. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.)
10. Related to FM by a differential
11. Spurious RF products created by metal joints (abbr.)
14. Highest frequency at which a vertically incident radio wave will return from the ionosphere (2 wds.)
16. Chemical symbol for plutonium
17. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
18. Quantum electron property (pl.)
19. Chemical symbol for neon
21. Airfoil shapers
23. Surface Mount Technology
26. "Texting" (abbr.)
27. Current-voltage phase mnemonic
30. Longitudinal shape-forming structural element
33. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE
34. Retain a charge
36. Used lubricant
38. Electromagnetic interference (abbr.)
39. Official Space Shuttle designation (abbr.)
40. Chemical symbol for polonium
41. Type of e-mail address system (abbr.)
43. Silicon transistor type
44. Ratio of circumference to diameter
45. Angular speed unit
46. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc.
47. Automatic repeat request used in AMTOR (abbr.)
49. Structure of columns and rows
51. The design component of total product cost (abbr.)
52. Peak envelope power (abbr.)
53. One component of a complex number (abbr.)
54. Software function selection mechanism
56. Keyboard key
57. Logic family
58. Chemical symbol for erbium
59. Below ELF
61. Small Office/Home Office (abbr.)
63. Material testing organization (abbr.)
64. Ham's code for "Entire net stand by."
65. Type of digital filter (abbr.)
66. High-speed circuit-switched data (abbr.)
67. IC killer (abbr.)
68. Hub of the solar system
69. Type of data storage IC (abbr.)
72. Computer Assisted Design and Development
76. Output intercept point (abbr.)
78. One port of an amplifier
79. Part of a screw that engages the driver
80. Last statement in a BASIC program
82. Another word for each complete winding of an inductor
84. Chemical symbol for cobalt
85. Low- to mid- frequency RF connector
86. Flash caused by an electric current ionizing a gas or vapor
87. An elementary particle
89. Greek letter
90. FCC's Universal Licensing System (abbr.)
92. One port of an amplifier
93. Chemical symbol for lithium
94. Programmable logic device (abbr.)
95. 2 x SSB
97. Network department (abbr.)
98. Once around a circuit
99. Family of ICs with a certain component density level (abbr.)
100. This causes a change in the motion of a body
102. Elementary particles
104. Amateur Radio Association (abbr.)
105. Device to assist in the performance of a chore
107. 2 x SSB
110. The system than converts common website names to IP addresses (abbr.)
111. Type of data storage IC (abbr.)
112. SIgnal to Noise And Distortion (abbr.)
114. Chemical symbol for polonium
115. Chemical symbol for plutonium
117. Chemical symbol for helium
118. Network department (abbr.)
119. Metric angle unit
122. The property of matter by which it continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by an external force
125. Low Noise Amplifier (abbr.)
127. Volt, meter, pint, pound, eg.
128. Mr. Blattenberger of RF Cafe
129. Mass unit (abbr.)
130. A three-terminal power semiconductor device noted for high efficiency and fast switching (abbr.)
131. Flip-flop control input
132. Logical gate type (pl.)
1. Ties a bundle of wires together
2. Automatic Packet Position Reporting System (abbr.)
3. Miniature RF connector (pl.)
4. General Mobile Radio Service (abbr.)
5. Circuit path with very high or infinite impedance
6. Geometric entity with only length (pl.)
9. Common shorthand reference for a capacitor (pl.)
10. Circuit for firing a radar magnetron (abbr., pl.)
12. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.)
13. Noise reducers
15. International phonetic alphabet letter "L"
16. Geometric solid having two ends which are similar, equal, and parallel rectilinear figures, and sides which are parallelograms
20. Use a squeezing tool for attaching a wire lug
22. Maximally flat group delay equation
23. Retains a charge
24. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
25. Total radiated power (abbr.)
27. Input intercept point (abbr.)
28. Chemical symbol for chlorine
29. Type of reconfigurable memory (abbr.)
31. Having 90 degrees between straight sides
32. Unit of current
34. Junk e-mail
35. End of transmission (abbr.)
36. Exponent that returns the original number
37. Thread cutting tools
42. Attenuator
43. Oscillator type that is referenced to an external source (abbr.)
48. Ham's code for "Station is leaving the net."
50. Radio navigation reference signal (pl.)
51. Nordic Mobile Telephone
55. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
57. Chemical symbol for cesium
60. Heatsink feature
62. Unit of resistance
63. Type of data conversion device (abbr.)
64. 2-way conversation, Ham term
68. Waveform that follows a sine function
69. Time taken for one complete oscillation of a vibrating object
70. Radio Amateurs of Canada (abbr.)
71. Opposite of I.D.
73. PC follower
74. Device under test (abbr.)
75. One port on a FET (pl.)
77. Maker of the 'Land' instant camera
79. Two of these in a whole
80. End of Life (abbr.)
81. U.S. military organization (abbr.)
83. Mate to a bolt (pl.)
85. Threaded fasteners
87. The UK's largest defense electronics contractor (abbr.)
88. Stock symbol for National Semiconductor
91. Send junk e-mail
94. Substrate for mounting components (abbr.)
96. Manufacturer of project boxes
101. Type of flip-flop
103. Switch position
106. Chemical symbol for lanthanum
108. _____-Carlo analysis
109. A sudden and temporary increase in voltage, current, or power
111. Maximum voltages in a waveform
113. Aerodynamic opposition to thrust
114. Set of poles
116. Volt, meter, pint, pound, eg.
117. Opposite of a LO
120. Device under test (abbr.)
121. One port of an amplifier
123. Chemical symbol for erbium
124. Stock symbol for Raytheon
126. Chemical symbol for nickel

See solution below

















RF Engineering Crossword Puzzle Solution for March 17, 2013 (St. Patrick's Day) - RF Cafe

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