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Engineering Crossword Puzzle
March 3, 2013

2013 Crosswords Archive

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Engineering Crossword Puzzle for March 3, 2013 - RF Cafe

1. Type of logic gate
3. Small DIP package (abbr.)
5. Unit of current
8. Yard (abbr.)
9. Automatic Testing, Evaluation & Reporting (abbr.)
11. Software device for tracking elapsed time
16. Network file transfer protocol (abbr.)
18. Voice of America
19. Bluetooth networks
22. Unit of weight
24. 1/000 of an inch
25. Antenna radiated power measurement (abbr.)
27. Nordic Mobile Telephone
29. Chemical symbol for praseodymium
30. Chemical symbol for tantalum
31. Stock symbol for Lockheed Martin
32. International phonetic alphabet letter "K"
36. 3 GHz to 30 GHz
38. Unit of length (abbr.)
39. A keyboard key
40. A metal that is liquid at room temperature
42. Ham abbreviation indicating contacts with all major land masses
44. Unit of capacitance (abbr.)
45. Greek letter
46. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
47. Official Space Shuttle designation (abbr.)
49. Chemical symbol for xenon
50. One type of electron spin
51. Chemical symbol for polonium
52. Control language used by Hewlett Packard printers, abbr.
56. Original Equipment Manufacturer (abbr.)
58. Part of a FOR loop
59. Pure carrier (abbr.)
60. Angular distance between one event and another in a regularly recurring cycle
62. Test equipment (abbr.)
63. Filter type that blocks upper frequencies (abbr.)
65. Chemical symbol for cesium
66. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE
68. The "B" in BER
70. Chemical symbol for rhodium
72. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
74. Chemical symbol for europium
76. Moves from cell to cell
79. Chemical symbol for gallium
80. Chemical symbol for chromium
81. Half of DSB
83. Stock symbol for Linear Technologies
84. Filter type that blocks lower frequencies (abbr.)
85. Unit of time (abbr.)
86. Test point (abbr.)
88. Largest broadcaster in the UK (abbr.)
90. PC follower
91. Chemical symbol for lawrencium
92. Chemical symbol for chlorine
93. The cell band above DCN
95. Type of motor that moves in increments rather than continuous rotation
99. 24 hours
100. European equivalent to the U.L.
102. Filter type (abbr.)
104. Miniature threaded RF connector (pl.)
105. Ham's code for "Take over as net control station."
106. Chemical symbol for gadolinium
107. Sound frequency in the human hearing range (abbr.)
109. Logical negation operator
111. Sample groups
113. Akin to WAC, only just in America
114. Stock symbol for National Semiconductor
116. Name the German physicist who discovered X-rays
121. Wireless application protocol (abbr.)
123. Large unit of apparent power (abbr.)
125. What kind of a number is divisible only by itself and 1
126. Type of wire used to wind baluns and couplers
128. Chemical symbol for platinum
129. Stock symbol for Advanced Micro Devices
130. Longitudinal shape-forming structural element
131. Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
1. Amateurese for "wife"
2. Opposite of I.D.
3. Chemical symbol for selenium
4. Type of logic gate
6. 300 kHz to 3 MHz
7. Push to Talk (abbr.)
9. Online service
10. Chemical symbol for tantalum
11. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.)
12. Galilean moon
13. Chemical symbol for manganese
14. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors
15. Stock symbol for Raytheon
17. Type of e-mail address system (abbr.)
18. Circuit element connecting PCB layers
19. Chemical symbol for praseodymium
20. Internet protocol (abbr.)
21. "Texting" (abbr.)
23. The design component of total product cost (abbr.)
24. Reliability measure
25. Science of assuring operation amid dense EM background noise (abbr.)
26. Network department (abbr.)
28. Code for a type of electrical wire insulation (abbr.)
31. Family of ICs with a certain component density level (abbr.)
32. Chemical symbol for krypton
33. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr.)
34. Chemical symbol for lutetium
35. Type of logic gate (pl.)
37. Facsimile
38. What kind of nuclear reaction powers both the sun and a hydrogen bomb
39. Lays bare, such as a wire
40. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
41. Elemental compound used for microwave frequency reference oscillators (abbr.)
43. Wireless phone region
46. Physical quantity defined as being the work done per unit time
48. Adjust a pot
50. Coordinated Universal Time (abbr.)
51. Peripheral Component Interface (abbr.)
52. Filter type that blocks lower frequencies (abbr.)
53. Pseudomorphic high-electron-mobility transistor, abbr.
54. Chemical symbol for gallium
55. Lower sideband (abbr.)
57. A metal that is liquid at room temperature
61. Base of the octal number system
64. Type of Morse Code key
67. End of Life (abbr.)
69. Transformer interwinding connection
71. Stock symbol for Harris Communications
73. Web page language
75. Upper Sideband (abbr.)
77. Chemical symbol for aluminum
78. Chemical symbol for scandium
82. Early predecessor to an online forum (abbr.)
87. Substrate for mounting components (abbr.)
89. A common RS-232 serial bus command (abbr.)
90. Chemical symbol for argon
91. Be behind in phase
92. Imaging device (abbr., pl.)
94. Silicon transistor type (abbr.)
96. 1/6 inch printer's measure
97. Last stage in a transmitter (abbr.)
98. Unit of time (abbr.)
99. The system than converts common website names to IP addresses (abbr.)
101. Computer interconnection scheme (abbr.)
103. BASIC looping keyword
105. Unit of liquid measure (abbr.)
106. Key feature in a high level overvoltage protection device
108. Modem encoding method (abbr.)
110. Uppermost surface
111. Front edge of a wing (abbr.)
112. Switch position
113. Ham award meaning Worked All Zones
115. Very large unit of apparent power (abbr.)
117. Chemical symbol for erbium
118. Chemical symbol for nickel
119. Chemical symbol for thulium
120. Electronics manufacturer with "meatball" logo
121. Weight (abbr.)
122. Logic gate output configuration (abbr.)
124. Modulation type (abbr.)
126. Chemical symbol for lanthanum
127. Infrared (abbr.)
128. Chemical symbol for lead

See solution below


Engineering Crossword Puzzle Solution for March 3, 2013 - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies SynthHD PRO - RF Cafe
Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe