1. Crude circuit prototype made of discrete components
8. Point in an revolving object's orbit that is farthest to the body it is orbiting
13. Switch position 14. Amateur Radio Direction Finding (abbr.) 15. Semiconductor
On Insulator (abbr.) 16. Airport Surveillance Radar (abbr.) 17. Science of
light transmission 19. Geometrical figure defined as a curve in which every point
is equidistant from a fixed point 20. Chemical symbol for argon 21. A keyboard
key 23. One type of electron spin 25. Cable manufacturer with HQ in Richmond,
IN 30. Official Space Shuttle designation (abbr.) 31. Logic family 32.
Computer messaging service 33. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.) 34. Described
by a 1st-order equation 35. Ham's code for "Shall I increase power?" 36. Created
an impenetrable physical barrier 41. Satellite TV system 42. Army-Navy specification
prefix 43. Device for matching antenna impedance to transmitter impedance
44. Test equipment (abbr.) 46. Mass unit (abbr.) 47. Chemical symbol for erbium
48. Video Graphics Array (abbr.) 52. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania
region (abbr.) 53. Mr. de Forest's first name 55. Weatherproof cover for a
radar antenna 57. Slang for when a professor hints at an exam problem (abbr.)
59. 1E6 nanoseconds 60. Programmable logic device (abbr.) 61. A common RS-232
serial bus command (abbr.) 62. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 63. Miniature
RF connector 65. Cooling devices 66. Type of distribution, squared 67.
Chemical symbol for rubidium 68. Telex-Over-Radio (abbr.) 69. Part of a male
connector (pl.) 72. Its chemical symbol is Na 77. Output intercept point (abbr.)
79. Electrical safety organization (abbr.) 81. What kind of nuclear reaction
powers both the sun and a hydrogen bomb 83. Satellite TV system 84. On-the-air
meeting of hams at a set time, day and radio frequency 85. That which has mass
and occupies space (pl.) 86. Sets a steady-state voltage reference |
1. Transmitted a signal 2. End of transmission
(abbr.) 3. Negatively charged ions 4. Lowest range of system frequencies
5. Type of logic gate 6. Type of data conversion device (abbr.) 7. Radio frequency
interference (abbr.) 8. Online service 9. Type of chart 10. Hydrogen, argon,
neon, xenon, etc. 11. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 12. Cell phone manufacturer
15. Chemical symbol for scandium 18. Type of data storage IC (abbr.) 22. What
a capacitor is used for regarding energy 24. Write-Once (abbr.) 25. 10 decibels
(pl.) 26. Electromagnetic interference (abbr.) 27. PCB metal area where component
leads attach 28. Thread cutting tools 29. Polymer having the elastic properties
of natural rubber 37. Galilean moon 38. Army-Navy specification prefix
39. Puts on an even plane 40. Unit of energy 45. Exalted-Carrier Single Sideband
(abbr.) 46. An electron tube in which bunching of electrons is produced by electric
fields, used in radars & microwave ovens (pl.) 49. Horizontal Cartesian coordinate
50. Type of high frequency circuit substrate (abbr.) 51. Receiver power level
circuitry (abbr.) 54. Hides data within a message 56. ELI the ICE ___ 58.
Ham's code for "What is your location?" 64. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
65. Name of the fixed point from which the distances to any point on a parabola
are connected by a linear relation 70. Bands between RF and baseband 71. Mate
to a bolt 72. System On Chip 73. Exponent that returns the original number
74. Opposite of O.D. 75. Popular computer device interface (abbr.) 76. Degree
of IC sophistication (abbr.) 78. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE 80. Chemical
symbol for lutetium 82. One port of an amplifier |