1. Shortlist Revealed for the World _____________
Awards 2019* 7. Boob tube (abbr.) 9. U.S. Dominates Top 10 VC Investors in
___ Tech in 2018* 11. Having power applied (slang) 12. Chemical symbol for
neon 13. Police Gain Access to Doorbell ____* 15. Chemical symbol for lithium
17. Apollo 11 astronaut ____ Armstrong 20. 1e-6 mA 21. Electronics Industry
Association (abbr.) 23. Chemical symbol for manganese 24. Newest buzz phrase
for ubiquitous remote control and monitoring of everything (abbr.) 26. Aerodynamic
opposition to thrust 29. Volkswagen, NXP Show 1st Car Using ___ to Combat Relay
Theft* 30. Connected to a transformer interwinding point 32. Qualcomm Targets
Wi-Fi Market in Push to Expand Beyond ______* 34. Stock symbol for National Semiconductor
35. Discipline for aircraft navigation in low visibility environments (abbr.)
37. Type of high speed Internet service (abbr.) 38. Metric angle unit 42.
Opposite of I.D. 44. Moon of Saturn discovered in 1789 48. Image file format
name extension 51. Half of a DIP 52. Mate to a bolt 54. BASIC program command
55. The scalar component of velocity 57. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 58. CRT
electron beam scan type 60. Last statement in a BASIC program 62. A common
battery cell size 64. Modem encoding method (abbr.) 66. ______ cosine filter
69. Mr. Arrhenius' first name 72. Opposite of USB 74. Type of high frequency
circuit substrate (abbr.) 76. Angular speed unit 77. Revenues Shrink for __
Design Houses* 79. Software engineering tool (abbr.) 80. Chemical symbol for
gallium 81. Fuse metals together using heat 83. Chemical symbol for arsenic
84. Logical gate type (pl.) 87. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors
88. Type of digital filter (abbr.) 90. "Texting" (abbr.) 91. Chemical symbol
for nobelium 92. Google and Amazon Use _____ ________ for Surveillance (2 wds.)* |
1. German _____ Orders Recall of Everlight LED Products
for Infringing Seoul Semi Patent* 2. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 3. Negation
prefix 4. Thing in a bill of material 5. Circuit that reduces interference
(abbr.) 6. Test equipment (abbr.) 7. Chemical symbol for tantalum 8. Abbreviation
for minimum voltage 9. International Amateur Radio Union (abbr.) 10. Electrical
generator locomotions 13. Software drafting tool (abbr.) 14. Greek letter,
used to indicate summation (pl.) 15. Elementary particles 16. Input intercept
point (abbr.) 18. Indium phosphide (abbr.) 19. Glue together 22. Anatech
Electronics Inc., (abbr.) 24. Galilean moon 25. AT&T Tees up for 24 GHz
Drive _____* 27. Chemical symbol for radon 28. Airport Surveillance Radar
(abbr.) 31. Design for Manufacturability (abbr.) 33. Describes when a synchronous
motor loses phase lock 36. Slang for transmitter and/or receiver 39. Deutsche
Industrie Normenausschuss 40. Google Says Hackers Put Monitoring Implants in
_______ for Years* 41. 5G ________ Network Infrastructure Revenue to Double over
Next Year* 43. Device under test (abbr.) 45. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
46. Automatic Testing, Evaluation & Reporting (abbr.) 47. Wi-Fi Like _____
Measures Speed and Distance of Indoor Movement* 49. Chemical symbol for iron
50. Finite Element Analysis (abbr.) 53. High-temp wire insulation 56. 10E1
numerical prefix (pl.) 59. Readability, Signal, and Tone (QoS report type)
61. SIP x 2 (pl.) 63. A feedback scheme to level out the receiver audio volume
(abbr.) 65. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.) 67. Type of component package
(abbr.) 68. Singulated piece of IC wafer 70. A common battery cell size
71. Reflected radar or sonar signal (pl.) 73. Units of heat 75. Metric system
(abbr.) 78. Abruptly limit the amplitude of a signal 81. Term used in soldering
to achieve the condition that occurs when the metals being soldered are hot enough
to melt the solder so it flows over the surface 82. Singulated piece of IC wafer
85. Switch position 86. Read-only (abbr.) 87. Chemical symbol for erbium
89. Chemical symbol for radium |