1. FCC Authorizes 4th Wave of Rural _________ Funding*
7. Microsoft and Amazon Fight for Huge ________ Cloud Computing Contract* 11.
Forms into a specific shape 14. Chemical symbol for strontium 15. Chemical
symbol for chlorine 16. Chemical symbol for erbium 17. Type of data conversion
device (abbr., pl.) 19. A common battery cell size 21. Chemical symbol for
cesium 23. ECM response 24. ___ Fines North Carolina Man for Unauthorized
Transmissions* 27. Chemical symbol for antimony 28. Sound frequency in the
human hearing range (abbr.) 29. Tool for holding parts while working on them
31. Unit of length (abbr.) 33. Electrical safety organization (abbr.) 35.
Type of logic gate (pl.) 37. Antenna (abbr.) 38. Complex Instruction Set Computer
40. Slang for helicopter 41. Digital Signal Processor (abbr.) 43. Nordic Mobile
Telephone 46. Chemical symbol for scandium 47. Start frequency (abbr.)
48. Unit of length (abbr.) 50. A measure of receiver quality (abbr.) 51. 3-phase
transformer configuration 53. Unit of frequency 54. Constellation : The lion
56. Form of energy arising from the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules 57.
Chemical symbol for aluminum 58. Chemical symbol for molybdenum 60. Word used
in describing 2-D and 3-D object dimensions; i.e., 10 mm __ 25 mm 61. A compiler
directive 62. Read-only (abbr.) 63. Chemical symbol for palladium 65. A
BPF specification (abbr.) 66. Ham's code for "Is my transmission being interferred
with?" 67. Graphics file extension 68. Type of distribution, squared 69.
Chemical symbol for erbium 70. Schoolchildren in China Work Overnight to Produce
Amazon ______* 71. Chemical symbol for cadmium 73. 10E-12 numerical prefix
75. MS Exposes Russian Cyberattacks on ______, Printers, Video Decoders* 76.
One component of a complex number (abbr.) 78. Modulation type (abbr.) 79.
Network Slicing Is 5G Differentiator ______ Crave* 82. Prefix meaning "water"
84. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.) 86. Drinking
______ Close to Bedtime Does NOT Stop You from Sleeping* 88. 1e-6 mA 89. Cellphone
band directly above DCS 90. Original Equipment Manufacturer (abbr.) 92. The
UK's largest defense electronics contractor (abbr.) 94. Chemical symbol for bismuth
95. Network department (abbr.) 96. Chemical symbol for terbium 97. Application
Specific Integrated Circuit (abbr.) 98. Chemical symbol for radon 100. Opposite
of I.D. 102. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors 104. Impenetrable
physical barrier 107. Gun safety and education organization (abbr.) 109. Ultra
High Voltage (abbr.) 111. Type of logic gate 113. Chemical symbol for zinc
114. __ +125 Across, this website's title 116. Chemical symbol for francium
117. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.) 119. Ham abbreviation indicating contacts
with all major land masses 121. Computer monitor cable type (abbr.) 123. 2/3
of a triac 125. 114 Across + ______, this website's title 127. Bands between
RF and baseband 128. Ham's code for "Entire net stand by." 130. Chemical symbol
for neon 131. Chemical symbol for iron 132. Time Division Multiple Access
134. Chemical symbol for argon 135. Chemical symbol for tantalum 137. High
Data Rate 139. Small DIP package (abbr.) 141. Network department (abbr.)
143. Chemical symbol for calcium 144. Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (abbr.)
146. Chemical symbol for manganese 148. Chemical symbol for thallium 150.
Chemical symbol for lawrencium 151. Name the English scientist who first performed
the famous double slit experiment and also played a major role in deciphering the
Rosetta Stone 152. What atoms did in a particle accelerator 153. AEHF-5 Protected
Communications _________ Now in Transfer Orbit* |
1. Intertwines strands of fine wire 2. Amateur
radio abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.) 3. Circuit for maintaining
constant voltage (abbr.) 4. Chemical symbol for beryllium 5. Automatic repeat
request used in AMTOR (abbr.) 6. Separates the plates of a capacitor 7. Contraption;
_______ screw, e.g., 4-40, 6-32, etc. 8. Type of secondary radar system (abbr.)
9. Chemical symbol for radium 10. 36 in. (abbr., pl.) 11. 1E6 nanoseconds
12. Upward force generated by an airfoil 13. CB slang for a passenger (2 wds.,
pl.) 18. Unlicensed FCC Part 95 realm for personal and business radio use (abbr.)
20. Chemical symbol for arsenic 22. "Texting" (abbr.) 25. Indication of quality
of received message 26. Chemical symbol for chromium 28. Circuit that reduces
interference (abbr.) 30. Electronic warfare defense (abbr.) 32. Unit of frequency
(archaic, abbr.) 33. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 34. Chemical symbol for neodymium
36. Chemical symbol for tin 39. Intermodulation distortion (abbr.) 42. Shortwave
listener (abbr.) 44. Chemical symbol for magnesium 45. Amplifier linearity
specification (abbr.) 46. Chemical symbol for selenium 47. Used to remove
oxidation during soldering 49. Test equipment (abbr.) 52. Electromagnetic
(abbr.) 54. Name of the first series in the spectrum of hydrogen 55. Stock
symbol for Dell Computer 56. Amateur radio operators 57. Ticker symbol for
Analog Devices 59. O2: ______'s 5G Spectrum Plans Unfairly Favour Three UK*
60. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.) 63. Breakthrough
_______ Prize Criticized for Rewarding 'Failed Ideas'* 64. Broadband Signal Intrusion
(abbr.) 66. Ham's code for "Does my frequency vary?" 67. Strong, lightweight
wood 69. Type of reconfigurable memory (abbr.) 72. Direct Memory Access (abbr.)
73. Printed Wiring Board (abbr.) 74. Chemical symbol for calcium 76. World
Boy Scout Jamboree Ham _____ Balloon Crosses Atlantic* 77. Equalizer (abbr.)
79. When __________ Makes Life Harder* 80. Constellation : The scales 81.
Exponent that returns the original number 83. Coordinated Universal Time (abbr.)
85. That which has mass and occupies space (pl.) 86. Wireless phone region
87. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (abbr.) 89. Type of chart
91. Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (abbr.) 93. Army-Navy specification prefix
99. Code for a type of electrical wire insulation (abbr.) 101. Ham abbreviation
for "distant station" 102. Unit of energy 103. _______ to Grudgingly Offer
Search Engine Choice in Europe* 105. Analog-to-Digital (abbr.) 106. Notch
type filter (abbr.) 108. Type of flip-flop 110. Unit of apparent power (abbr.)
112. Used logic gates 115. Semiconductor device type (abbr.) 116. Connector
gender 118. Discipline for aircraft navigation in low visibility environments
(abbr.) 120. "Calling any amateur radio station" 122. Bandwidth (abbr.)
124. European equivalent to the U.L. 125. Chemical symbol for californium
126. Anatech Electronics Inc., (abbr.) 127. International Amateur Radio Union
(abbr.) 129. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 133. Type of current 135. Time
delay (abbr.) 136. File name extension for an ASCII file 138. Radio frequency
interference (abbr.) 140. Stock symbol for Lockheed Martin 142. Logic family
(abbr.) 144. Chemical symbol for silver 145. Local Oscillator (abbr.) 147.
Chemical symbol for neon 149. Chemical symbol for lithium |