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RF Cafe Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle
May 5, 2019

Since 2000, I have been creating custom technology-themed crossword puzzles for the brain-exercising benefit and pleasure of RF Cafe visitors who are fellow cruciverbalists. The jury is out on whether or not this type of mental challenge helps keep your gray matter from atrophying in old age, but it certainly helps maintain your vocabulary and cognitive skills at all ages. A database of thousands of words has been built up over the years and contains only clues and terms associated with engineering, science, physical, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, etc. You will never find a word taxing your knowledge of a numbnut soap opera star or the name of some obscure village in the Andes mountains. You might, however, encounter the name of a movie star like Hedy Lamarr or a geographical location like Tunguska, Russia, for reasons which, if you don't already know, might surprise you.

cruciverbalist: [noun]  cruci- ("cross") +‎ verbal ("words") +‎ -ist ("agent, person") -- A person who constructs or works crosswords.

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle May 5, 2019 - RF Cafe

<click for full size to print>

1. Degrees of incidence at which a radio signal is refracted in the ionosphere (2 wds.)

10. Chemical symbol for scandium

12. Output intercept point (abbr.)

13. Part of a FOR loop

14. Type of chart

15. Type of distribution, squared

16. Front edge of a wing (abbr.)

18. An ellipse has two of them

20. BASIC looping keyword

22. Chemical symbol for francium

23. Stock symbol for Lockheed Martin

24. Constellation : The twins

26. Official Space Shuttle designation (abbr.)

27. Type of current

28. A common battery cell size

29. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.)

30. Greek letter (micro)

31. Unit of heat

32. Chemical symbol for gold

34. Digital voltmeter (abbr.)

35. Chemical symbol for selenium

37. Chemical symbol for cesium

38. Chemical symbol for gadolinium

39. Opposite of O.D.

41. Sound frequency in the human hearing range (abbr.)

42. Unit of weight

43. Last stage in a transmitter (abbr.)

44. One system's phonetic letter "z"

45. Type of flip-flop

47. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.)

48. 10 decibels

49. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.)

50. IC killer (abbr.)

52. A false signal produced in a superheterodyne receiver's circuitry (pl.)

56. Gary Breed's fine magazine on RF & microwaves topics (abbr.)

57. Centimeter (abbr.)

59. Constellation : The lion

61. Network configuration type

63. Switch position

64. Transformer interwinding connection

65. Curly-Q type light bulb (abbr.)

67. Radio signals from the cosmos (abbr.)

68. Parts per million (abbr.)

70. Chemical symbol for tin

71. Perform a calculus function

1. The ten administrative areas established by the FCC for Amateur Radio (2 wds., pl.)

2. Galilean moon

3. Chemical element abbreviated Sn

4. Internet protocol (abbr.)

5. Basic element

6. Plural of locus

7. Chemical symbol for neptunium

8. Image file format name extension

9. Low altitude earth orbit

10. 3 GHz to 30 GHz

11. Distance around the boundary of a circle

17. Science of assuring operation amid dense EM background noise (abbr.)

18. Finite Element Analysis (abbr.)

19. One port of an amplifier

21. Stock symbol for Raytheon

24. Karl Friedrich _____, after whom the unit of magnetic field strength is named

25. International Telecommunications Union

28. System for guiding aircraft (abbr.)

30. Very large unit of apparent power (abbr.)

32. Analog-to-Digital (abbr.)

33. Dimension, with units (pl.)

36. Electrical overstress (abbr.)

38. Chemical symbol for gallium

40. Keyboard key

43. Greek letter

46. Ham's code for "Can you acknowledge receipt?"

48. Digital transmission figure of merit (abbr.)

49. Beat frequency oscillator (abbr.)

51. 10E-1 numerical prefix

53. 1E6 nanoseconds

54. Automatic Testing, Evaluation & Reporting (abbr.)

55. One port on a FET

58. ELI the ICE ___

60. Switch position

62. Computer monitor resolution measure (abbr.)

66. 30 kHz to 300 kHz

68. Chemical symbol for platinum

69. 1/000 of an amp (abbr.)

See solution below


2019 Crossword Puzzle Archive

Visit the Crossword Express website - RF CafeTake a well-deserved break and try your hand at some of these goodies. Every word in the RF Cafe crossword puzzles is specifically related to engineering, mathematics, and science. There are no generic backfill words like many other puzzles give you, so you'll never see a clue asking for the name of a movie star or a mountain on the Russia-China border.

All of these crossword puzzles were created using the fabulous Crossword Express (now called "Magnum Opus") software.

2024 | 2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and "verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words. cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.

December 29

December 22

December 15

December 8

December 1

November 24

November 17

November 10

November 3

October 27

October 20

October 13

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September 22

September 15

September 8

September 1

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August 18

August 11

August 4

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July 21

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April 21

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March 31

March 24

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March 10

March 3

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February 3

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January 20

January 13

January 6
















Engineering & Science Crossword Solution May 5, 2019 - RF Cafe 

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

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