Electronics & High Technology Components
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Cadmium sulfide (CdS) is a piezoelectric material that exhibits the ability to
generate an electric charge in response to mechanical stress, and vice versa, making
it useful for a variety of applications, including sensors, transducers, and energy
harvesting devices.
Cadmium sulfide is a binary compound composed of cadmium and sulfur atoms. It
is a direct bandgap semiconductor with a bandgap energy of about 2.4 eV, which makes
it suitable for photovoltaic applications as well.
In terms of its piezoelectric properties, CdS exhibits a relatively low piezoelectric
coefficient compared to other piezoelectric materials, but it can still be used
in certain applications where a lower sensitivity is sufficient.
One of the challenges with using cadmium sulfide as a piezoelectric material
is its toxicity, which limits its use in certain applications. However, there are
efforts to develop cadmium-free piezoelectric materials, such as zinc oxide and
aluminum nitride, which could be viable alternatives to CdS.
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