Electronics & High Technology Components
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An autodyne receiver is a type of radio frequency (RF) receiver that uses a
local oscillator to mix with the incoming RF signal for the purpose of
down-conversion. It is also known as a self-oscillating mixer or a self-mixing
In a traditional superheterodyne receiver, a separate local oscillator
generates a stable frequency that is mixed with the incoming RF signal to
produce an intermediate frequency (IF). However, in an autodyne receiver, the
local oscillator signal is derived from the incoming RF signal itself. This
self-oscillation is achieved by feeding back a portion of the RF signal into the
oscillator circuit.
The autodyne receiver's oscillator generates a frequency close to the RF
frequency of the incoming signal. When the RF and local oscillator signals mix,
they produce a frequency that is the difference between the two. This frequency
is typically the desired intermediate frequency.
Autodyne receivers are used in various applications, including radio
communication, radar systems, and electronic warfare. They offer advantages such
as simplicity, lower cost, and reduced complexity compared to separate local
oscillator designs. However, they can be more susceptible to spurious
oscillations and require careful design to achieve stable operation.
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