Electronics Pioneers & History
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Atwater Kent was an American inventor, entrepreneur and manufacturer of radio
equipment. He was born on December 12, 1873, in Cassopolis, Michigan and died on
August 30, 1949, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was a pioneer in the
development of radio technology and his impact on the industry is still felt
Kent began his career as an electrical engineer, working for various
companies before starting his own business in 1918. He founded the Atwater Kent
Manufacturing Company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with the goal of producing
high-quality radio sets for the public. The company quickly became one of the
largest radio manufacturers in the United States, producing over one million
radio sets between the 1920s and 1930s.
One of Kent's innovations was the development of the "breadboard" radio set,
which was easy to assemble and repair. He also made use of more efficient
components, such as high-voltage power supplies, which allowed his radio sets to
produce better sound quality. His radios were also known for their beautiful
wooden cabinets, which were handcrafted and came in a variety of styles and
finishes to suit any decor.
Atwater Kent was a visionary who understood the potential of radio as a means
of communication and entertainment. He was an advocate for the development of
commercial radio broadcasting and he supported the establishment of the National
Broadcasting Company (NBC) in 1926. This network helped to bring radio to a
wider audience and it was a major factor in the growth of the radio industry.
In addition to his contributions to the radio industry, Kent was also a
philanthropist. He supported a number of educational and scientific
organizations, including the Franklin Institute, and he established the Atwater
Kent Foundation, which provided grants for scientific research.
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