A few years ago, one of America's
big-city mayors (now former mayor) made the proclamation, "We're not going to make America great again.
It was never that great." There has been a big push in the last decade to not only
erase the significant accomplishments and sacrifices of America's and Europe's
past, but to vilify those people and institutions that make up that past. Purging
the records and rewriting history is a tried and true method of assuring few have
easy access to archival material documenting the accomplishments of the nation's
past. Along with desiring to provide useful and interesting material to people seeking
technical and historical information, my motivation is also to keep in peoples'
minds the facts of our heritage and who it was that built the foundations of most
of the modern world. That's not to ignore the contributions of others, but we are
at the point where our place needs to be defended against a mounting onslaught.
To that end, I give you this advertisement from the inestimable Bell Telephone Labs.
Bell Telephone Laboratories: An Adventure in Silicon
One example of junction technology at Bell
Laboratories. Here a junction is produced on the surface of silicon by bombardment
with alpha particles. Bombardment enhances silicon's performance at very high frequencies.
One day in the 'thirties a revolutionary adventure began for Bell scientists.
They were testing an experimental silicon crystal they had grown to make microwave
Intriguingly, they. found that one end of the crystal conducted by means of positive
charges, the other end with negative. Positive and negative regions met in a mysterious
barrier, or junction, that rectified, and was sensitive to light. It was something
entirely new ... with challenging possibilities.
The scientists went on to develop a theory of j unction phenomena. They showed
that two junctions placed back-to-back make an amplifier. They devised ways to make
reproducible junctions. Thus, junction technology came into being, and the 20th
Century had a new horizon in electronics.
This technology has already produced at Bell Telephone Laboratories the versatile
junction transistor (useful in amplifiers and switches); the silicon alloy diode
(surpassingly efficient in electronic switching for computers); and the Bell Solar
Battery which turns sunshine directly into useful amounts of electric current.
This is one of many adventures in science which make up the day-to-day work at
Bell Laboratories ... aimed at keeping America's telephone service the world's best.
Bell Telephone Laboratories
Improving telephone service for America provides careers for creative men in
scientific and technical fields
Bell Telephone
Laboratories Infomercials |