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The Russian Duga Radar, also known as the Russian Woodpecker, was a Soviet over-the-horizon
radar (OTH) system that operated from 1976 to 1989. The system was designed to detect
missile launches from the United States, but it also unintentionally interfered
with radio communication worldwide.
The Duga radar was a massive, over 150 meters tall and 500 meters wide, and was
located near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. It consisted of two giant
antennas, one for transmitting and the other for receiving, and was powered by a
large electrical station nearby.
The Duga radar emitted a distinctive tapping sound, which earned it the nickname
"Russian Woodpecker" among radio enthusiasts. The tapping sound was caused by the
radar's pulsed transmissions, which were sent out in short bursts at a frequency
of around 10 Hz.
The Duga radar was operational for only 13 years, but during that time, it caused
significant interference with radio communications worldwide, including with commercial,
military, and amateur radio bands. The exact nature and purpose of the system were
shrouded in secrecy, and it was only after the fall of the Soviet Union that more
information about the Duga radar became available to the public.
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