1. Type of telegraphic key.
4. Bolt used to fasten shielded coils.
9. Motor speed (abbr.).
12. Literary collection.
13. Sheet on which controls are mounted.
14. Professional engineering society (abbr.).
15. Color code for #4.
17. Element found as graphite; widely used in electronics.
19. To consume.
20. Grip on a control shaft.
21. Two or more variable capacitors mounted on a single shaft.
23. System now replaced by C.G.S.
25. Radio distress signal.
27. Southern state (abbr.).
28. Distortion in sound reproducing system.
29. Negative polarity.
31. One-thousandth of a liter (abbr.) .
32. Small visible mark on a radar or scope screen.
33. Type of jack.
34. 3.1416.
35. Sub-atomic particle.
37. Devotee of DX (abbr.).
38. Unit of power ratios.
39. Again.
40. Low-voltage incandescent lamp.
41. Tree-trunk covering.
42. Reconvene (said of Congress).
44. Identification Friend or Foe (abbr.).
45. Continuous tuner.
47. Low-frequency speaker.
50. Current-resistance-voltage (abbr.).
51. Electronic navigational aid.
53. Type of carbon mike worn on face.
54. Greek letter (pl.).
55. April 15th donation.
56. Stammering syllables.
By Bruce Balk
1. Part of an antenna array.
2. One (Fr. fern.).
3. Crystal.
4. Luminous area on CR tube screen.
5. Animal foot.
6. Article.
7. Tape transports.
8. Spirit.
9. Microphone with moving conductor.
10. Antonym of "amateur" (slang).
11. Males.
16. Electronic delay.
18. Material used in soldering.
21. Greek letter.
22. Type of setscrew.
23. Wash floors.
24. One-thousand watts (abbr.).
26. 3000-30,000 mc. h.f. band.
28. Emerge victorious.
29. Stylus radius measurement unit.
30. Material used in wire covering.
31. Energy per unit time.
33. New Deal agency (abbr.).
36. Type of part arrangements in a circuit.
37. Receiver (familiar).
38. Device to improve speaker fidelity.
40. Lamp used to light a tuning dial.
41. You can't receive code without it ( abbr.) .
43. Salvador, for short.
44. Charged particle.
45. Color code blue.
46. First transformer winding (abbr.) .
47. Material used in making old record "masters."
48. Voltage, current, resistance (abbr.) .
49. Speed (abbr.).
52. Egyptian sun god.