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Crossword Puzzle
August 1960 Popular Electronics

August 1960 Popular Electronics

August 1960 Popular Electronics Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Electronics, published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

You have to be careful when working this crossword puzzle from the August 1960 edition of Popular Electronics magazine because in one instance the name of a certain federal agency has changed since then, and in another instance the element cited as being "commonly used" no longer is. It will add to the challenge, which, honestly, is not all that great. I did not have the magazine page with the solution available when posting this so I had to work the puzzle myself to create a solution. If you are an ardent cruciverbalist as am I, you might want to try some of the hundreds of technically-themed crossword puzzles I have created which have only words and clues related to science, engineering, mathematics, etc.

Crossword Puzzle

By James J. Porten

Crossword Puzzle, August 1960 Popular Electronics - RF Cafe


1   Grid voltage

5   Summit

10   _______-mechanical servo

13   Old man (c.w.)

15   __________ convex lens

16   Thulium (symbol)

17   Atomic Energy Commission

19   Inhabitants of Far East

20   _______ element beam

21   Commonly used in converters (abbrev.)

22   _______ sink

23   Joule (dimensions)

24   Toddler

27   Element necessary for reception

28   End of message

29   Doctrine

31   Element used in rectifiers

32   "C" in R/C

34   Continuity (abbrev.)

35   Average


2   Watt (units)

3   High mountain

4   Vend

5   Atomic number  (abbrev.)

6   Cathode-ray oscilloscope  (abbrev.)

7   Master oscillator

9   Having a common axis

11   Federal agency

12   Function of cathode

14   Unit of measurement

16   Impedance-matching device (abbrev.)

18   _______ whisker detector

20   Beverage

24   Canvas shelter

25   Smallest of Great Lakes (abbrev.)

26   Function of soldering lug (abbrev.)

29   32,000 oz. (avoir.)

30   Pedal digit

32   Cobalt (symbol)

33   Norway (Ham prefix)

Here are other electronics-themed crossword puzzles from vintage electronics magazines (RF Cafe Crosswords here):

- April 1964 Popular Electronics

- November 1962 Electronics World

- March 1962 Popular Electronics

- September 1958 Radio & TV News

- October 1957 Popular Electronics

- November 1957 Popular Electronics

- January 1974 Popular Electronics

- November 1958 Popular Electronics

- January 1965 Electronics World

- November 1960 Electronics World

- January 1960 Electronics World

- December 1957 Popular Electronics

- February 1966 Popular Electronics

- September 1957 Popular Electronics

- December 1960 Popular Electronics

- August 1958 Popular Electronics

- July 1960 Electronics World

- September 1965 Electronics World

- August 1962 Electronics World

- May 1958 Radio News

- November 1958 Radio News

- April 1963 Electronics World

- July 1961 Electronics World

- July 1963 Electronics World

- May 1967 Electronics World

- August 1960 Popular Electronics

- March 1973 Popular Electronics

- June 1966 Popular Electronics

- April 1959 Popular Electronics

- January 1963 Electronics World

- October 1961 Electronics World

- December 1965 Electronics World

- September 1960 Electronics World

- July 1958 Radio & TV News

- April 1967 QST

- April 1960 Electronics World

- October 1963 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- October 1960 Electronics World

- July 1971 Radio-Electronics

- May 1959 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- April 1966 Popular Electronics

- May 1961 Electronics World

- August 1958 Radio News

- July 1945 Radio-Craft













Crossword Puzzle Solution, August 1960 Popular Electronics - RF Cafe



Posted November 22, 2021
(updated from original post on 11/27/2013)

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