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Electronic Terminology Crossword Puzzle
October 1960 Electronics World

October 1960 Electronics World

October 1960 Electronics World Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Electronics World, published May 1959 - December 1971. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Electronics magazines of the last century regularly published theme-based crosswords, like this "Electronic Terminology Crossword Puzzle" from a 1960 edition of Electronics World. Working crossword puzzles has been shown to be a simple activity that can help prevent or at least stave off some forms of mental atrophy. It is a medical fact that as you grow old and/or cease presenting yourself on a regular basis with mental and physical challenges, your brain actually begins to lose gray matter and synapse interconnections are lost. Working crossword puzzles is a healthy mental exercise that helps increase your vocabulary and improve cognitive skills. That is one reason I create my own weekly crossword puzzle for RF Cafe visitors.

Electronic Terminology Crossword Puzzle

By John J. Gill

Electronic Terminology Crossword Puzzle, October 1960 Electronics World - RF Cafe


1. Reciprocal of impedance.

8. Protective device.

11. Greek "N".

12. Used in house wiring.

13. Chemical element (symbol).

14. Pilot light (abbr.).

15. Doughnut-shaped coil.

18. Amount of force that causes rotation.

20. Measurements

21. One who goes forth.

24. Type of circuit.

25. A "collector" of electro-magnetic waves (abbr.).

26. Vase.

27. Frequency used in superhets (abbr.).

28. 102 (Roman numeral).

29. A news service (abbr.).

30. E= ___.

31. Scotch hat.

32. Equipment used in servicing electronic devices.

36. Relay type (abbr.).

37. ___ high frequency.

39. Tool for making holes.

40. "For each".

41. Falsehoods.

42. Tonnage (abbr.).

43. Type of modulation.

44. Amplification factor.

45. Negative reply.

46. Useful energy delivered.

47. Number (abbr.).

48. Part of "to be".

49. Beneath.

44. Unit of wire size.

51. Inductive reactance (symbol).

52. Ratio of output to input.

53. Plate current (symbol).

54. And so on.

55. College degree (abbr.).

58. Network (abbr.).

61. Whip.

63. TV blanking pulse.

64. Memory tube used in computers.


1. Radiator of r.f. energy.

2. ___ diode.

3. Values used in matching colors.

4. An English unit of weight.

5. Broadcast radio (abbr.).

6. Pilot light symbol (abbr.).

7. Capacitor of unknown value (schematic symbol).

8. Iron compound used in transformer construction.

9. Goad.

10. Type of capacitor.

13. Pedal digit.

16. Coil.

17. All (Latin).

18. Cask.

19. Quality rating of a coil.

22. Above the range of human hearing.

23. Power supply component (abbr.).

29. Network for introducing a variable transmission.

33. Neighboring continent (abbr.).

34. Type of reactor.

35. Transformers and coils are sometimes ___.

36. Remote TV or radio broadcast.

38. Lithium (abbr.).

40. Moving a TV camera to scan a field of view.

42. Sorrow.

44. Unit of wire size.

50. Dental corpsman (USN, abbr.). 

52. Mother of Uranus.

56. Our "aerial umbrella" (abbr.).

57. Unit of 1 Across.

58. By.

59. Exist.

60. Not down.

62. Quiet!

Here are other electronics-themed crossword puzzles from vintage electronics magazines (RF Cafe Crosswords here):

- April 1964 Popular Electronics

- November 1962 Electronics World

- March 1962 Popular Electronics

- September 1958 Radio & TV News

- October 1957 Popular Electronics

- November 1957 Popular Electronics

- January 1974 Popular Electronics

- November 1958 Popular Electronics

- January 1965 Electronics World

- November 1960 Electronics World

- January 1960 Electronics World

- December 1957 Popular Electronics

- February 1966 Popular Electronics

- September 1957 Popular Electronics

- December 1960 Popular Electronics

- August 1958 Popular Electronics

- July 1960 Electronics World

- September 1965 Electronics World

- August 1962 Electronics World

- May 1958 Radio News

- November 1958 Radio News

- April 1963 Electronics World

- July 1961 Electronics World

- July 1963 Electronics World

- May 1967 Electronics World

- August 1960 Popular Electronics

- March 1973 Popular Electronics

- June 1966 Popular Electronics

- April 1959 Popular Electronics

- January 1963 Electronics World

- October 1961 Electronics World

- December 1965 Electronics World

- September 1960 Electronics World

- July 1958 Radio & TV News

- April 1967 QST

- April 1960 Electronics World

- October 1963 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- October 1960 Electronics World

- July 1971 Radio-Electronics

- May 1959 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- April 1966 Popular Electronics

- May 1961 Electronics World

- August 1958 Radio News

- July 1945 Radio-Craft








Electronic Terminology Crossword Puzzle Solution, October 1960 Electronics World - RF Cafe



Posted February 6, 2019
(updated from original post on 3/28/2014)
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