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Circuitry Crossword
August 1958 Radio News

August 1958 Radio & TV News
August 1958 Radio & TV News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Given that this Circuitry Crossword was created at the peak of the post-war television popularity wave, it is no surprise that the main focus is on TV-related terms. Still, most people who lived during the era of "real" television sets with cathode ray tubes (CRTs), will probably have no problem completing it successfully. If you have ever adjusted the horizontal and vertical hold controls on a TV, you're in the club. After nearly two decades with LCD computer and television displays, the days of less than perfect images are fading like an over-the-air broadcast on a stormy day. Unlike the time it took me days to figure out that two heavy speakers sitting on a shelf over top of my CRT computer monitor was causing a weird distortion in the picture, I can sit anything next to my LCD monitor with no effect. I had replaced a 15" CRT monitor with a 19" (considered huge at the time) CRT, which placed the picture tube very close to the speaker magnets. I was on the verge of returning the monitor before figuring out the cause.

Circuitry Crossword

By John A. Comstock

Here's a little teaser to try during the coffee break at the shop. All you active radio and TV technicians should be able to bat this out in record time - but watch out for a couple of tricky definitions - they are lurking!


Circuitry Crossword, August 1958 Radio News - RF Cafe

(solution below)


1. Color in TV.

3. One type of TV transformer.

8. Solder ingredient.

10. Most speakers have one.

12. Selector for TV or FM.

15. Found in phono pickups or on meter faces.

16. Receives or radiates r.f. (Abbr.)

17. Small amount of current. (Abbr.)

21. Intelligence in electronics.

22. Voltage that provides scan.

23. Inert-gas tube. (Abbr.)

24. Tube-type suffix. (Abbr.)

25. Record players may produce this.

26. Tip of a test lead.

27. One of the color TV phosphors.

29. Specific length of transmission line, often used for matching.

32. Characteristic that distinguishes 27 Across from other colors.

33. Meter with high input impedance.

36. Combination circuit. (Abbr.)

37. Hartley or Colpitts. (Abbr.)

40. Pattern to check linearity or convergence.

41.Common transducer. (Abbr.)


1. Visible electrical discharge.

2. Lots of lines but no picture.

4. Output device for sweep circuits.

5. Works on TV r.f. and i.f. grids. (Abbr.)

6. Alternate to 40 Across.

7.Synonym for 3 Across.

9. Zero reading.

11. Type of tube base.

13. Designation on tube basing diagram. (Abbr.)

14. Some color generators produce this.

18. ____ ratio.

19. One in every TV set.

20. May connect to test probe or circuit component.

22. An abrupt flow of heavy current.

24. A color CRT has more than one.

28. Makes for a "clean sweep."

29. Complement of equipment.

30. For grounding or traveling.

31. Over 40 million homes enjoy this. (Abbr.)

34. Eliminates unwanted frequencies.

35. Controls signal strength in radio. (Abbr.)

38. Found in tube manual along with 13 Down. (Abbr.)

39. Not a gas tube. (Abbr.)

Here are other electronics-themed crossword puzzles from vintage electronics magazines (RF Cafe Crosswords here):

- April 1964 Popular Electronics

- November 1962 Electronics World

- March 1962 Popular Electronics

- September 1958 Radio & TV News

- October 1957 Popular Electronics

- November 1957 Popular Electronics

- January 1974 Popular Electronics

- November 1958 Popular Electronics

- January 1965 Electronics World

- November 1960 Electronics World

- January 1960 Electronics World

- December 1957 Popular Electronics

- February 1966 Popular Electronics

- September 1957 Popular Electronics

- December 1960 Popular Electronics

- August 1958 Popular Electronics

- July 1960 Electronics World

- September 1965 Electronics World

- August 1962 Electronics World

- May 1958 Radio News

- November 1958 Radio News

- April 1963 Electronics World

- July 1961 Electronics World

- July 1963 Electronics World

- May 1967 Electronics World

- August 1960 Popular Electronics

- March 1973 Popular Electronics

- June 1966 Popular Electronics

- April 1959 Popular Electronics

- January 1963 Electronics World

- October 1961 Electronics World

- December 1965 Electronics World

- September 1960 Electronics World

- July 1958 Radio & TV News

- April 1967 QST

- April 1960 Electronics World

- October 1963 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- October 1960 Electronics World

- July 1971 Radio-Electronics

- May 1959 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- April 1966 Popular Electronics

- May 1961 Electronics World

- August 1958 Radio News

- July 1945 Radio-Craft














Circuitry Crossword Solurion, August 1958 Radio News



Posted October 10, 2019

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