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Homepage Archive - December 2021 (page 3)

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Tuesday the 21st

Modern Radio Practice in Using Graphs and Charts

Modern Radio Practice in Using Graphs and Charts - Parallel Resistors, April 1932 Radio News - RF CafeUsing charts and nomographs to solve calculations is not as common in today's world of portable high-powered computers as it was when computers used vacuum tubes or even mechanical gears. One exception might be the Smith chart, especially in the lab or field. You can plug numbers into a programmable calculator or tablet app, but having the solution presented in the form of a number gives you only that - a number. That's usually good enough, but if you are doing troubleshooting or tweaking a design, being able to see how the value got to be what it is by seeing what's around it can be very helpful. The Smith chart is a particularly good example when watching the complex impedance point move around...

Detecting Counterfeit ICs

Detecting Counterfeit ICs - RF Cafe"Fake chips present a huge issue for manufacturing companies trying to source ICs from non-traditional channels. One tool helps simplify the detection process. With the current worldwide chip shortage, manufacturers are desperately scrambling to keep their production lines going for electronics goods and automobiles. One solution many companies are turning to is the so-called 'gray market' - non-authorized suppliers of obsolete and excess component stocks. While this can be a quick fix, it presents a problem that's challenging to detect and eliminate: counterfeit ICs. For instance, a Massachusetts man was sentenced a few years ago to 37 months in prison for importing thousands of counterfeit integrated circuits from China and Hong Kong, which were resold to U.S. Navy contractors..."

Withwave Moves into New Facilities

Withwave Moves into New Facilities - RF CafeWithwave, a leading designer, developer, and manufacturer of a broad range of RF & Microwave test solutions and subsystems with a focus on electromagnetic field analysis and RF & microwave signal processing, is proud to announce personnel and equipment has moved operations into a new facility. Withwave's extensive product portfolio serves four primary target markets: Wireless communications, Test & Instrumentation, Automated Test Equipments, Network Systems. Applications for our products in these target markets include cellular phones and base stations, data networking, Semiconductor and telecommunications equipment and factory automation...

Littler Than Lilliput: Microminiature Electronics

Littler Than Lilliput: Microminiature Electronics, March 1963 Popular Electronics - RF CafeMr. Einstein believed everything is relative, and this 1963 Popular Electronics magazine article on the revolution of "microminiature electronics" certainly attests to the truth of it. Unlike with his Theory of Special Relativity though, travel near the speed of light is not needed to witness length contraction in the electronics realm; the passage of time and its attendant evolution of technology does that for us. Today's definition of "microelectronics" will to our progeny seem laughingly absurd when they read about (or more likely have wirelessly implanted in their brain's memory cells) our current transistor gate widths of tens of atoms. BTW, Lilliput, in case you don't know, is the island nation of Gulliver's Travels...

Get Your Custom-Designed RF Cafe Gear!

Custom-Designed RF-Themed Cups, T-Shirts, Mouse Pads, Clocks (Cafe Press) - RF CafeThis assortment of custom-designed themes by RF Cafe includes T-Shirts, Mouse Pads, Clocks, Tote Bags, Coffee Mugs and Steins, Purses, Sweatshirts, and Baseball Caps. Choose from amazingly clever "We Are the World's Matchmakers" Smith chart design or the "Engineer's Troubleshooting Flow Chart." My "Matchmaker's" design has been ripped off by other people and used on their products, so please be sure to purchase only official RF Cafe gear. My markup is only a paltry 50¢ per item - Cafe Press gets the rest of your purchase price. These would make excellent gifts for husbands, wives, kids, significant others, and for handing out at company events or as rewards for excellent service. It's a great way to help support RF Cafe. Thanks...

Many Thanks to ConductRF for Continued Support!

ConductRF coaxial cables & connectors - RF CafeConductRF is continually innovating and developing new and improved solutions for RF Interconnect needs. See the latest TESTeCON RF Test Cables for labs. ConductRF makes production and test coax cable assemblies for amplitude and phased matched VNA applications as well as standard & precision RF connectors. Over 1,000 solutions for low PIM in-building to choose from in the iBwave component library. They also provide custom coax solutions for applications where some standard just won't do. A partnership with Newark assures fast, reliable access. Please visit ConductRF today to see how they can help your project! 

Monday the 20th

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from National Company

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from National Company, January 1942 QST - RF CafeTake a look at the list of National Company's employee list wishing their customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Every one of them is a licensed Ham radio operator. It appeared in the January 1942 issue of ARRL's QST magazine, but was for the 1941 Christmas. National Company was a major producer of amateur radio gear in the day. Little did they suspect when the magazine went to print that by the time readers received it, America would be newly engaged in World War II after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Many of the names would be different in1943 due to employees going off to fight the war in the European, Pacific, and North African Theaters of Operation...

Vertical Transistor Breakthrough by IBM and Samsung

Vertical Transistor Breakthrough by IBM and Samsung - RF Cafe"Today, IBM and Samsung Electronics jointly announced a breakthrough in semiconductor design utilizing a new vertical transistor architecture that demonstrates a path to scaling beyond nanosheet, and has the potential to reduce energy usage by 85% compared to a scaled fin field-effect transistor (finFET)1. The global semiconductor shortage has highlighted the critical role of investment in chip research and development and the importance of chips in everything from computing, to appliances, to communication devices, transportation systems, and critical infrastructure. This collaborative approach to innovation makes the Albany Nanotech Complex a world-leading ecosystem for semiconductor research and creates a strong innovation pipeline, helping to address manufacturing demands and accelerate the growth of the global chip industry..."

Tips from a TVDX-er's Notebook

Tips from a TVDX-er's Notebook, November 1957 Radio-Electronics - RF CafeTVDXing was a very popular sport in the 1950s through about the 1970s. As the name suggests, it involved attempting to receive television broadcast stations from as far away as possible from your location - akin to Short Wave Listeners (SWLers) who used radios with the same objective. If you were around back when over-the-air TV was the primary form of broadcast (before or during the early years of cable TV), late at light you were likely able to pull in stations - especially UHF - that were sometimes hundreds of miles away. An antenna rotator increased the chances of doing so. Living near Annapolis, I definitely remember getting among others TV stations from Philadelphia, PA, and Richmond, VA. At the time I did not know there was such a thing as TVDXing - it was just a curiosity. Serious DXers went to great lengths to claim success, as related in this 1957 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine. Studying atmospheric propagation tables, monitoring live reports...

Berkeley Nucleonics Donates Lab Equipment to Montana State U.

Berkeley Nucleonics Donates Lab Equipment to Montana State University - RF Cafe"Berkeley Nucleonics is happy to donate a full bench of test equipment, from multi-channel oscilloscopes to arbitrary waveform generators, to Montana State University for a new experiments lab encouraging young electrical engineers. The benchtop gear will allow students to test a variety of circuits and conduct experiments IRL.  Contact Berkeley Nucleonics now for free academic courses online or to outfit your own test bench..."

Never-Before-Seen Electron Behavior for Superwires

Never-Before-Seen Electron Behavior for Superwires - RF Cafe"Wakanda, the mythical setting for Marvel's superhero film 'Black Panther,' is home to some not-so-mythical technology. An indestructible cape might not yet be possible, but Wakanda's levitating high-speed trains could zoom into reality with the help of superconductors. Now, a new discovery about electron behavior may represent a step toward that superpowered world. Superconductors give electrons - and, therefore, electricity - resistance-free highways. They have the potential to create power lines that permit super-fast transmission without shedding energy, enhance imaging technologies like MRIs, and levitate more than trains. But most of today's fledgling superconductors require extremely cold temperatures to work. And while some scientists hope to find an answer in the right combination of materials, the solution might be hidden in how electrons move, not only what they move through. In a study published in PNAS, a team of scientists..."

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF & Electronics stencils for Visio r4 - RF CafeWith more than 1000 custom-built stencils, this has got to be the most comprehensive set of Visio Stencils available for RF, analog, and digital system and schematic drawings! Every object has been built to fit proportionally on the provided A-, B- and C-size drawing page templates (or can use your own). Stencils are provided for equipment racks and test equipment, system block diagrams, conceptual drawings, and schematics. Unlike previous versions, these are NOT Stencils, but instead are all contained on tabbed pages within a single Visio document. That puts everything in front of you in its full glory. Just copy and paste what you need on your drawing. The file format is XML so everything plays nicely with Visio 2013 and later...

Many Thanks to Reactel for Their Long-Time Support!

Reactel Filters - RF Cafe

Reactel has become one of the industry leaders in the design and manufacture of RF and microwave filters, diplexers, and sub-assemblies. They offer the generally known tubular, LC, cavity, and waveguide designs, as well as state of the art high performance suspended substrate models. Through a continuous process of research and development, they have established a full line of filters of filters of all types - lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop, diplexer, and more. Established in 1979. Please contact Reactel today to see how they might help your project.

Sunday the 19th

Radio Theme Christmas 2021 Crossword Puzzle

Radio Theme Christmas Crossword Puzzle for December 19th, 2021 - RF CafeThis Radio Theme Christmas Crossword Puzzle for December 19th has many words and clues related to RF, microwave, and mm-wave engineering, optics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other technical subjects. There is also a holiday greeting contained within. As always, this crossword contains no names of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic foods or plants, movie stars, or anything of the sort unless it/he/she is related to this puzzle's technology theme (e.g., Reginald Denny or the Tunguska event in Siberia). The technically inclined cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate the effort. Enjoy...

Many Thanks to Axiom Test Equipment for Continued Support!

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe Axiom Test Equipment allows you to rent or buy test equipment, repair test equipment, or sell or trade test equipment. They are committed to providing superior customer service and high quality electronic test equipment. Axiom offers customers several practical, efficient, and cost effective solutions for their projects' TE needs and is committed to providing superior customer service and high quality electronic test equipment. For anyone seeking a way to offload surplus or obsolete equipment, they offer a trade-in program or they will buy the equipment from you. Some vintage items are available fully calibrated. Please check out Axiom Test Equipment today!

Friday the 17th

The Load Line Story

The Load Line Story, November 1960 Popular Electronics - RF CafeIf you are familiar with Saunder Harris' "After Class" stories for Popular Electronics magazine, you know they were written in the form of a story that describes a mentor mentoring a mentee (yes, mentee is a real word). "The Load Line Story" presents a quick lesson on how to determine the operational points of in this case a vacuum tube, but it applies equally well to a transistor. If you have had a difficult time conceptualizing the usefulness of I-V curves a load line, then this might be just what you need to get you going. Sure, all the designers out there do this in their sleep, but remember that every day there are new people getting into electronics and this is what they are looking for to help get them on the path to where you are...

ELF Antenna Turns Earth into Giant Radio Station

ELF Antenna Turns Earth into Giant Radio Station - RF Cafe"The biggest antenna on the planet is up and running in central China, opening up long-distance communications with submarines as well as civilian applications, according to engineers and scientists involved in the project. The exact location of the facility has not been revealed, but is believed to be somewhere in the Dabie Mountains, a protected natural reserve straddling Hubei, Anhui and Henan provinces. From space, the antenna, which is formed by a network of cables and pylons much like those in ordinary power lines, would look like a giant cross more than 100 km (62 miles) long and wide. But at the ends of those lines, copper nodes are fixed deeply into thick granite. Two powerful underground transmitters - capable of working independently in case one is damaged - charge one megawatt of electrical current and turn the Earth into a giant radio station..."

Defense Market Trends & Impact on Semiconductors

Defense Market Trends and Impact on Semiconductor Technology - RF CafeEric Higham has an interesting article in the December issue of Microwave Journal entitled "Defense Market Trends and Impact on Semiconductor Technology." He discusses driving forces of the current semiconductor trends, defense capability evolution and philosophies. Chief among the motivations is China's increasingly aggressive move toward Taiwan. He begins: "With chip shortages in the consumer market, 5G and the latest handset offerings from Apple and Samsung dominating electronics and semiconductor news, it is easy to forget the key role the defense industry has played and will continue to play in the evolution of compound semiconductor supply chain. From MIMIC and MAFET programs with GaAs and, more recently, the development of GaN, defense agencies have supplied the funding and applications...."

Teledyne e2v HiRel Radiation Tolerant 20 GHz SPDT RF Switch

Teledyne e2v HiRel Releases Catalog Radiation Tolerant 20 GHz SPDT Absorptive RF Switch
for Space Applications - RF CafeTeledyne e2v HiRel announces the availability of a rad-tolerant 20 GHz, Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) absorptive RF switch, model TDSW020A2T, that is ideal for use in demanding high reliability, space and defense applications and is now available with qualified material off-the-shelf. This new RF switch, developed on 0.15 μm InGaAs pHEMT technology, will be available as die and is qualified per MIL-PRF-38534 Class K-equivalent for space applications. The TDSW020A2T leverages monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) design techniques that deliver superior performance in the Ku and K microwave and millimeter-wave bands. The switch delivers low insertion loss, high isolation, fast switching times, and high linearity across a wide frequency band from dc to 20 GHz and attains an input power 1 dB compression of 28 dBm (typical). Class K equivalent element evaluation is performed per wafer...

Kool-Keeping Kwiz

Kool-Keeping Kwiz, June 1970 Popular Electronics - RF CafeHere is a humorous "Kool-Keeping Kwiz" that appeared in the June 1970 issue of Popular Electronics magazine. Your answers to questions will determine whether you are a truly cool technophile, or you are just a maniacal misanthrope who happens to know something about radios and regulations. This would probably have been more aptly printed two issues earlier as an April Fools' joke...

Many Thanks to Berkeley Nucleonics for Continued Support!

Berkeley Nucleonics Corp - RF Cafe Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation (BNC) is a leading manufacturer of precision electronic instrumentation for test, measurement, and nuclear research. Founded in 1963, BNC initially developed custom pulse generators. We became known for meeting the most stringent requirements for high precision and stability, and for producing instruments of unsurpassed reliability and performance. We continue to maintain a leadership position as a developer of custom pulse, signal, light, and function generators. Our designs incorporate the latest innovations in software and hardware engineering, surface mount production, and automated testing procedures.

Thursday the 16th

Serviceman's Experiences

Serviceman's Experiences, November 1940 Radio News - RF CafeAs one who many moons ago (1970s) used to make service calls to people's homes (as an electrician), I can relate to some of the stories like the ones which appeared in various issues of Radio News magazine in the 1930s and 1940s. For that matter, most of the trade magazines ran similar pieces. This saga of course is most likely not a for-real experience, just a humorous tale of the kinds of scenarios sometimes met by on-site servicemen. The laissez-faire attitude of the star of this story made him deserving of the treatment he received from the customer. In fact, my attitude was always one of extreme courtesy, respect, going beyond the call of duty to do a good job, and performing my work as efficiently as possible. It put me in good stead with my employers because of favorable comments from home and business owners. One notable exception was one lady who sent me away when I met her at the door with my pre-USAF long hair...

What's a Google Time Crystal?

What's a Google Time Crystal? - RF CafeWhat's a "time crystal," and how do Google researchers use quantum computers to make them? "First conceived of a decade or so ago, a time crystal is a new kind of matter that bears an uncanny resemblance to a perpetual motion machine. Its parts can theoretically move in a repeating cycle without consuming energy for eternity, like a watch that runs forever without any batteries. Scientists have raced to create this novel phase of matter for years. Now researchers at Google Quantum AI and their colleagues reveal they have created time crystals using Google's Sycamore quantum computing hardware, findings they detailed online November 30 in the journal Nature. Whereas classical computers switch transistors either on or off to symbolize data as ones and zeroes, quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits..."

Chart of Radio Schematic Symbols

Chart of Radio Schematic Symbols, December 1942 Radio-Craft - RF CafeThis is a really nice electronic schematic symbols chart that will come in handy for hobbyists who work with vintage electronic equipment. Not only does it have component symbols that a modern chart (this appeared in a 1942 issue of Radio-Craft magazine) would not likely contain, but it has three-dimensional sketches of each device. For example, vacuum tube symbols show the tube outline, its socket configuration, and the pinout. If you get nostalgic for some of these old parts, some of them like the knife blade switch and ceramic light socket can be bought a many hardware stores or online. It's too bad the chart is not in color because it would make a nice picture to frame for a decoration. If anyone with an artistic bent feels compelled to colorize it and send it to me, I'll be glad to make it available to visitors...

Practical Electric Airplanes Decades Away

Practical Electric Airplanes Decades Away - RF Cafe"Electric Airplanes Won't Make Much of a Dent in Air Travel for Decades to Come. Reason: Batteries are nowhere near able to sustain wide-body airliners over flights measuring in the thousands of kilometers. Exaggeration has become the default method for news reporting, and the possibility of commercial electric flight has been no exception, with repeated claims that these new planes will utterly change how we live. In 2017, Boeing and JetBlue funded Zunum Aero, a U.S. company that promised nothing less than transforming air travel with short-haul electric planes capable of carrying 12 people - and doing it by 2022. Two years later Boeing declined to continue funding the project. At the Paris Air Show..."

ConductRF Ready-Made "Plug-in" RF Cable Assemblies for D38999 & VITA67

ConductRF Ready-Made "Plug-in" RF Cable Assemblies for D38999 & VITA67 - RF CafeWe know, many times you want to just buy your RF assemblies to plug in to your Circular D38999 Connector or your VITA67 module. Well know ConductRF offers multiple solutions for both styles of Multi-Port connector all available on short lead times based on our on hand materials stock.D38999 integrates BMA, SMPM & SMPS Connectors, also other #8, #12 & #16 coax contact solutions. VITA67.1/2 uses SMPM solutions, but the new VITA67.3 also offers SMPS and NanoRF to support your coax. These are 100% factory tested to exacting VSWR and Loss standards because, We know, Results Count!

Knight Model E10716 Battery Portable Radio

Knight (Allied Radio Corp.) Model E10716 Battery Portable Radio Service Data Sheet, August 1939 Radio-Craft - RF CafeThis "Radio Service Data Sheet" for the Knight (Allied Radio Corporation) model E10716 Battery Portable radio appeared in a 1939 issue of Radio-Craft magazine. A Web search for Knight radios does not turn up very many results, so maybe they were not all that popular. Knight competed with Heathkit for many years in the 1950s through 1970s with their line of build-it-yourself kits. There are still many people who restore and service these vintage radios, and often it can be difficult or impossible to find schematics and/or tuning information, so for that reason I will continue to post these Radio Service Data Sheets and keep a running list (below) of all of them to facilitate a search on RF Cafe...

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF & Electronics stencils for Visio r4 - RF CafeWith more than 1000 custom-built stencils, this has got to be the most comprehensive set of Visio Stencils available for RF, analog, and digital system and schematic drawings! Every object has been built to fit proportionally on the provided A-, B- and C-size drawing page templates (or can use your own). Stencils are provided for equipment racks and test equipment, system block diagrams, conceptual drawings, and schematics. Unlike previous versions, these are NOT Stencils, but instead are all contained on tabbed pages within a single Visio document. That puts everything in front of you in its full glory. Just copy and paste what you need on your drawing. The file format is XML so everything plays nicely with Visio 2013 and later...

Many Thanks to Aegis Power Systems for Their Continued Support!

Aegis Power Systems - RF CafeAegis Power Systems is a leading supplier of AC-DC and DC-DC power supplies for custom and special applications. Aegis has been designing and building highly reliable custom power supplies since 1995. They offer a complete line of switch mode power supplies and power converters for a variety of markets including defense, industrial, aircraft, VME, and telecom. Supports military, aircraft, EV, telecom, and embedded computing applications. Design and manufacture of custom power supply solutions to meet each customer's exacting specifications. Please visit Aegis Power Systems today.

Wednesday the 15th

Two New Approaches to Amplification

Two New Approaches to Amplification, November 1957 Radio-Electronics - RF CafeIf somebody today told you there are "Two New Approaches to Amplification," one being a Spacistor and the other a Solion, you would be justified in thinking he was putting you on - especially the Spacistor. In 1957 when this article appeared in Radio-Electronics magazine, you would more likely gasp in awe at the mere mention of such a Space-Age sounding devices. In fact, both devices were real, and were stepping stones in the evolution from point-contact transistors to molecular diffusion semiconductor junctions. They were more mechanically rugged than the point-contact transistors, worked at higher frequencies, and had higher current and voltage (and therefore power) handling capabilities. This is an interesting and important part of semiconductor development history...

Interference Analysis

Interference Analysis, November December 1941 Radio-Craft - RF CafeImages, harmonics of the intermediate frequency (IF), harmonics of the local oscillator (LO), multiple station IF mixing, inductive and capacitive coupling, other types of noise can find a way into circuits if sufficient shielding and judicious component placement is not implemented. It is as true today as it was in 1941 when this article appeared in Radio-Craft magazine. An interesting interference generator discussed is that of heterodyned signals generated external to the receiver by means of random nonlinear junctions reacting to multiple high power broadcasting stations in a local area, as was fairly common when AM stations were the norm. Rusty bolted joints in buildings, towers, even automobiles can be the source of such phenomena. Even today it is not uncommon for bolted and riveted junctions on antennas and RF connectors to generate what are now termed passive intermodulation (PIM) spectral products...

R&S Maritime Communications Boosts PLA Vessel Traffic Services

Rohde & Schwarz Maritime Communications Solution Boosts Port of London Authority Vessel Traffic Services - RF CafeRohde & Schwarz has revealed details of its role in a project to totally upgrade the London vessel traffic services (VTS) communication equipment for the Port of London Authority (PLA). Working with PLA engineers at the authority's control centres in Gravesend, Kent and the Thames Barrier Navigation Centre (TBNC) in Woolwich, Rohde & Schwarz has installed an advanced, VoIP-based maritime communications system to handle all VTS communications. The new, customised system enhances the PLA's ability to control movement of vessels within the Port of London, which spans the entire coastal Thames from Teddington Lock to the North Sea, and provides future-proof scalability as the VTS requirements continue to evolve...

New Look at Figures Around Moore's Law

New Look at Figures Around Moore's Law - RF Cafe"Joe Sawicki , executive vice president, IC EDA at Siemens, challenged the mutterings that Moore's law has run its course, and said the semiconductor industry was blighted with pessimism. At this year's DAC (Design Automation Conference) he set about looking at the figures in a new light. 'There have been morose expectations and miserable prognostics, for like 20 years,' he reasoned, because semiconductor growth has been compared with worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) for 40-50 years. Comparing the industry to GDP produced figures that were always significantly higher producing a feel-good atmosphere across the semiconductor industry. And then there was the dotcom crash in 2000 and growth in the semiconductor industry was fundamentally flat..."

BNC Whitepaper: Ultrasonic MEMS Testing with an AWG

BNC Whitepaper: Ultrasonic MEMS Testing with an AWG - RF CafeBerkeley Nucleonics' technical staff has published a whitepaper entitled, "Ultrasonic MEMS Testing with the Model 675 High Performance AWG." This application note describes how to use the Model 675 High Performance Arbitrary Waveform Generator to generate the signals for the test and design of Ultrasonic MEMS sensors. The Model 675 High Performance AWG simplifies the generation of pulse and chirp signals typically used to perform design tests and characterize MEMS sensors. Considering the amplitude of 24 Vpp into High-Impedance (12 Vpp into 50 Ohm) joined to an analog shift of ±12 V into High-Impedance, the Model 675 represents the ideal solution for these kinds of tests where high voltage amplitude, programmable pulse's width, and rise/fall time are mandatory...

For the Record - Amateur Radio & Radar

For the Record - Amateur Radio & Radar, October 1945 Radio News - RF Cafe"For the Record" was a regular feature in Radio News magazine in the 1940s. Written by the editor (Oliver Read, W9ETI, at the time), it was sometimes a collection of industry news items and other times a treatise on a particular relevant topic. This October 1945 issue dealt with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announcing the reinstatement of transmitting privileges to Amateur Radio operators who were restricted to receive-only during the war years - ostensibly for national security reasons. While welcome news, it applied only to Hams already licensed prior to the December 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor. New Hams would be dealt with later. Mr. Read also highlight the emergence of radar technology being adapted from wartime use to civil aircraft traffic control...

Promote Your Company on RF Cafe

Sponsor RF Cafe for as Little as $40 per Month - RF CafeNew Scheme rotates all Banners in all locations on the page! RF Cafe typically receives 8,000-15,000 website visits each weekday. RF Cafe is a favorite of engineers, technicians, hobbyists, and students all over the world. With more than 16,000 pages in the Google search index, RF Cafe returns in favorable positions on many types of key searches, both for text and images. New content is added on a daily basis, which keeps the major search engines interested enough to spider it multiple times each day. Items added on the homepage often can be found in a Google search within a few hours of being posted. I also re-broadcast homepage items on LinkedIn. If you need your company news to be seen, RF Cafe is the place to be.

Many Thanks to Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) for Continuing Support!

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe ASC designs and manufactures hybrid, surface mount flange, open carrier and connectorized amplifiers for low, medium and high power applications using gallium nitride (GaN), gallium arsenide (GaAs) and silicon (Si) transistor technologies. ASC's thick film designs operate in the frequency range of 300 kHz to 6 GHz. ASC offers thin film designs that operate up to 20 GHz.

These archive pages are provided in order to make it easier for you to find items that you remember seeing on the RF Cafe homepage. Of course probably the easiest way to find anything on the website is to use the "Search RF Cafe" box at the top of every page. About RF Cafe.

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- Christmas-themed items

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe
withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

PCB Directory (Manufacturers)