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Comics with an Electronics Theme
December 1973 Popular Electronics

December 1973 Popular Electronics

December 1973 Popular Electronics Cover - RF Cafe  Table of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Electronics, published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Yes, it's only Tuesday when this was posted, but at least it's not Monday. Electronics-themed comics appeared regularly in vintage trade magazines, like this 1973 issue of Popular Electronics. Some of the older ones require a knowledge of the norms and practices of the era. I'm not quite sure whether in the page 16 comic the beast impaled himself on the antenna, or is merely perched on it. Regardless, it is a welcome occurrence by the enthusiastic Ham radio guy. Maybe the field interruption adjusted his beam right where he needed it, or maybe he planned on his aerial doing double-duty as a fowl hunting (as opposed to fox hunting) device. RF Cafe officially does not recommend that anyone try using the temporary solution for a too-short antenna cable shown in the one comic, especially if the rig will be transmitting anywhere maximum legal output power.

Comics with an Electronics Theme

"Get out the wild rice, Mary! Another one just came in on the beam."
December 1973 Popular Electronics Comic (p16)


"Do you mean it will be Monday before you can buy more lead-in wire."
December 1973 Popular Electronics Comic (p77)



Posted March 5, 2024
(updated from original post on 12/29/2017)

These Technically-Themed Comics Appeared in Vintage Electronics Magazines. I personally scanned and posted every one from copies I own (and even colorized some). 250 pages as of 1/31/2025

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers


Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe