The December 1947 issue of
Radio News and the February 1954 issue of Radio & Television News
published these electronics-themed comics. Humor evolves over time, which is
apparent when you look over these and many of the other comics from these
vintage electronics magazines. The AVC comic is the best, IMHO. For those of you
not around in the olden days of vacuum tubes, tapping on a tube would often make
it work properly again, either because of a dirty contact in the socket or crud
that had accumulated on the screen grid. I give this batch a score of about 7
out of 10, but you might think otherwise. There is a growing list of other comics at the
bottom of the page. Enjoy.

"Look at Ray's new antenna! A doublet!" (December 1947, Page

"Of course I ordered one - but that ain't no condenser!" (December
1947, Page 138)

"Hey Joe, c'mere and look at the a.v.c. in this set!" (December
1947, Page 179)

"Rex, here Rex. Junior's on the TV quiz program!" (February 1954,
Page 98)
Posted December 13, 2023 (updated from original
post on 3/17/2016)
These Technically-Themed Comics Appeared in Vintage Electronics Magazines. I
personally scanned and posted every one from copies I own (and even colorized some).
250 pages as of 1/31/2025