February 1933 Radio-Craft
of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Craft,
published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
a continuing effort to provide archival material for researchers and for anyone
seeking information on a particular radio restoration project, this Radio Service
Data Sheet for the Zenith Model 430/440 radio from a 1933 edition of Radio-Craft
magazine is being posted. An Internet search will show that there are many people engaging
in such activities. Restoring my
Crosley Model 03BC console radio would have been more difficult
if not for others who have done similar work to assist the "community." I generally
despise the phrase "giving back" because it is usually uttered by people that really
owe nothing to anyone, but somehow feel obligated to do so or are conditioned to
automatically say such things. This is a case where I benefitted from somebody else's
work and there is an opportunity to return the favor.
Update: Mr. Steve of The Radio Fox website wrote to express thanks for
having this information posted. He owns both a
Model 430 and a
Model 440 (click thumbnails).
Zenith Models 430 and 440 12-Tube Superheterodyne Radio
Service Data Sheet
(Dual reproducers, Zenith class AAA A.F.
power amplifier; illuminated auto type full-vision control escutcheons; 540 to 1750
kc. - 121 channels, including police band; silent tuning; A.V.C.; low-volume tone
compensator; "shadowgraph" tuning; tone control; 110 V. or 220 V. line.)
The newest product of Zenith Radio Corp. is the model 430 receiver; equipped
with the Zenith automatic tuning device, it is the model 440. The outstanding feature
of this set is the "class AAA" system of A.F. amplification used;
Line potential, 115 V.; all controls maximum.
All tube readings, except heaters, are socket to ground, using 1,000-ohms-per-volt
D. C. meter.
Resistor R1, manual volume control. 0.5-meg., total, tapped at 0.4-meg. from
ground end; R2, tone control, 0.5-meg.; R3, quiet-tuning control, 400 ohms; R4,
R6, R10, 1,900 ohms; R5, 150 ohms; R7, R25, 1,500 ohms; R8, R17, 0.25-meg.; R9,
R16, 24,000 ohms; R11, R12, 50,000 ohms; R13, 0.1-meg.; R14, R18, 500 ohms; R15,
8,000 ohms; R19, R20, 1 meg, ; R21, 2,500 ohms; R22, 18,000 ohms; R23, R24, 400
Condensers C1, C2, C3, tuning gang; C1A, C2A, C3A, tuning trimmers; C4 to C7,
I. F. trimmers; C8, L. F. padder; C9, H. F. coupling condenser; C10, C11, C12, 0.2-mf.;
C13, 0.1-mf.; C14, C15, C16, C17, C19, C20, C24 (25 cycles, 0.4-mf.), C30, C31,
C35, .1-mf.; C18, 0.05-mf.; C21, C22, C23, C25, C26, C27, 8 mf.; C28, 0.5-mf.; C29,
25 mmf.; C32, C33, 500 mmf.; C34, 0.002-mf.
The condenser gang in this receiver is aligned at 1,500 kc.; the oscillator padder
is aligned at 600 kc.
Field coil No. 1 has a resistance of 1,600 ohms; field coil No. 2 has a resistance
of 2,000 ohms for section A and 3,500 ohms for section B. Choke Ch.2 has a resistance
of 400 ohms.
There are no circuit changes or switches in this receiver for the reception of
police calls. The tuning dial, itself, actually takes in the police frequencies
since it covers a total range of 540 to 1,750 kc.
"Shadowgraph" tuning is effected by means of a vane fastened to a meter movement
connected in the plate-supply circuit to tubes V1, V2, V3. The incoming signal causes
this "meter" to move in the usual manner, thus twisting the vane so that it either
obstructs the light and casts a wide shadow (off resonance), or permits the light
to pass, casting a shadow no wider than the thickness of the vane (exact resonance
of the tuned circuits).
Class AAA A.F. amplifier is the Zenith designation for a system employing three
power tubes, each of which are biased as class A amplifiers, one of which is used
to drive the other two in push-pull. If the grids were overdriven with the usual
type of coupling transformer, having a high secondary impedance, between the driver
and the output tubes and the push-pull grids overdriven, extreme distortion would
take place. This difficulty is overcome by employing a special transformer of step-down
ratio having larger wire and much less resistance in its secondary. This transformer
is a very important part of the system. With such an arrangement it is possible
to drive the grids of the power tubes positive without introducing distortion, because
of the driver being a power tube and capable of supplying the necessary current
on such peaks. The primary of this transformer has a higher impedance than is normally
used, which value is somewhat reduced as the impedance changes in the secondary,
when the power grids are driven positive. Its impedance, however, at the lowest
value, still matches the driver plate circuit. It should be remembered that in an
ordinary class A amplifier distortion enters when the grids are driven positive
by virtue of the previous tube not supplying sufficient power for grid excitation
of the output tubes. In other words, in class A, voltage on the power grids is available
as long as they do not go positive. As soon as they are driven past zero in that
direction the previous amplifier can no longer supply the necessary power.
Above, Arrangement of the tubes in the "430." Right, Comparative figures indicating
the effectiveness of A.F. amplifiers classes A, push-pull; B, push-push; pentodes
in push-pull, and AAA, push-pull, Watts rating, respectively, 4.3 W., 0.8- to 24
W., 6.3 W., 14.2 W.
Summing up the above, the triple A amplifier is a combination of both class A
and class B. The exception being that the tubes are biased as class A, but by virtue
of the power delivered by the driver and the special coupling transformer, sufficient
power is supplied for the power tube to draw grid current and still prevent distortion
as in the class B amplifier.
Many set analyzers will not accommodate the new tubes, consequently, all voltage
readings are to ground. Thus, for instance. the actual voltage on the plates of
the power tubes is 295 V.
The two reproducers are similar in construction but one is peaked at 90 cycles
and the other at 70 cycles. (This is done to cancel the natural period of each reproducer.)
The paralleled voice coils result in four times the power obtainable from a single
reproducer, states the manufacturer.
An overall sensitivity of less than one-half microvolt-per-meter is obtained
with an undistorted power output of 15 watts. The total line consumption at 115
V. is 125 W.
Posted July 25, 2023 (updated from original post on 3/24/2015)
Radio Service Data Sheets
These schematics, tuning instructions, and other data are reproduced from my
collection of vintage radio and electronics magazines. As back in the era, similar
schematic and service info was available for purchase from sources such as
SAMS Photofacts, but these printings
were a no-cost bonus for readers. There are 227 Radio Service Data Sheets as of
December 28, 2020.
Model 81 "Bel Canto"
Model 250 Radio Service Data Sheet
- Hoffman
Model A300
- Emerson
Model 505
- Olympic
Models 6-501, 6-502, 6-503
- Radiola
Models 61-5, 61-10
- Farnsworth
Models ET-060, ET-061, ET-063
- General
Electric Model 321
Garod Model 6AU-1
- Truetone
Model D4620
- Westinghouse
Model H-148
- Wards Models
54BR-1501A, 1502A
- Majestic
Models 8S452, 8S473
- RCA Models
Q22A, Q32
- Zenith Model
- Mantola Models
92503 and 92504
- Emerson Model
508 Series 8-7434351 and Up
- Belmont Model
- Wards Model
- Crosley Model
- Admiral Model
7C60 Chassis 6B1
- 336
Belmont Radio Model 6D111, Series A
333 General Electric Models 100, 101, 103 and 105
- RCA Victor
Models 54B1, 54B-N, 54B2, 54B3 Radio Data Sheet 335
National Union "Presentation" Radio Model G-619
Zenith Radio Models 8H032, 8H033, 8H050, 8H052, 8H061
General Electric Farm Radio Model 280
Admiral Model 6RT44-7B1
Montgomery Ward Airline Model 04BR-1105A Radio
- Belmont
Model 678 Auto-Radio Set
- Sentinel
Model 217-P Portable Radio Set Radio
- Remler
Model No. 36 Dual-Wave Auto-Radio
Stromberg-Carlson No. 82 All-Wave Receiver
Majestic A.V.C. Model 290 Chassis
- FADA 9 Tube
Model 190 "Metal" All-Wave
- RCA Victor
Models 9T and K2 9-Tube, 5- to 566-Meter
Motorola "Golden Voice" Model
RCA Victor Model H-6
Simplex Model TA
Automatic "Magic Eye" Model A1
- Silvertone
Models 4488 and 4588 (Chassis No.101412) and 4488A and 4588A (Chassis No. 101412A)
- RCA Victor
Model M109 "De Luxe" 7-Tube Auto-Radio Receiver
- Crosley Model
6625 6-Tube 3-Band Receiver
- International
Model 77 Series 7-Tube Dual-Band Receiver
- Belmont
Model 6D121
General Electric Models 60, 62
- Admiral
Model 7C64
Radiola "28" Super and "104" Power Speaker
- Sonora
Model TW-49
Stromberg-Carlson Models 1020, 1120, Series 10
- Air King
Model 4604D
- Sparton Models
526, 526X, 526PS
- Truetone
Model D2624
- Admiral
Models 6EI, 6EIN
- Detrola Models
571A, 571B
General Electric Model 250
- Howard Model
- Colonial
Model 652 5-Tube Broadcast-Short-Wave
9-Tube All-Wave Model 91
International Model 500 5-Tube Dual-Range Battery
- Emerson Model
678 "Auto-Dynamic" 5 Tube
Nos. 230 and 231 Series
- Atwater
Kent Model 649 All-Wave
Howard Model G-26, and "Airplane 4" Model AA25
Montgomery Ward "Airline" Series 7GM 7-Tube High-Fidelity Receiver
Victor Model T5-2 5-Tube, 2-Band A.C. Superheterodyne Receiver
"Models 50," "51" and "52"
Bremer-Tully Model 7-70 and 7-71
Electric Model M-49 4-Tube Radio-Phonograph Dual-Wave Superheterodyne
- RCA-Victor
Radiola "Superette" Model R7 Superheterodyne
- Crosley Model AC-7
and AC-7C
"Columnaire" Models WR-8 and WR-8-R (Remote Control)
of Metal Tubes - and Other "Octal" (8-Prong) Base Types
- Kolster K20,
K22, K25, K27 and K37 Six-Tube Receivers
Nos. 62 and 63, 8-Tube High-Fidelity Chassis
- RCA Model
103, 4-Tube A.C. Compact Dual-Wave
- FADA "Special"
Model 265-A and FADA "7" Model 475-A
General Electric Model C-62 6-Tube Battery
- Emerson
5A Automotive
- Zenith
666 Automotive
- Motorola
100 Automotive
Roamio 4-A-1 Automotive
524A Automotive
- Crosley
Model 1316 (in Model 167 Console)
- RCA Victor
"High-Fidelity Electrola," Model R-99
Model 81 ("Bel Canto" Series) Receiver
Fada 103 Fadalette, Stewart-Warner Series 108, DeWald 54 Dynette Sets
Victor R-27 and Philco 53 Ultra-Midget A.C.-D.C. Radio Receivers
Majestic Models Fairfax and Sheffield 8-Tube
- Stromberg-Carlson
No. 29, 9-Tube Superhet
International Kadette Model 400 4-Tube Battery-Operated Superhet
- RCA Victor
Model 5M 5-Tube Auto Superhet
Majestic Model 11 Short-Wave Converter
Model 727-DC Battery-Operated Superheterodyne
Victor Model VHR-307 Home Recording - Phono-Radio Combination
Delco 32-Volt Radio Receiver Chassis Models RA-3, RB-3 and RC-3
- Majestic
Chassis Models 380 A.C. T.R.F., and 400 A.C.-D.C. Superheterodyne
- General
Motors S1A, S1B
- Admiral
Model 7C63, Chassis 7C1
- Westinghouse
Model H-133
- Arvin
Models 150TC, 151TC
- Kadette Model
90 Duplex
RCA-Victor "Magic Brain" Model 281
- Grunow
11A Chassis 11-Tube All-Wave Superheterodyne
Sears, Roebuck & Co., Silvertone "Rocket" Models 6110 and 6111
General Electric Model GD-52
Zenith Models 6D302, 6D311, 6D326, 6D336, 6D360
Allied Radio, Knight Model E10913
- Arvin Model
- Emerson
Models 501, 502, 504
- Crosley
Model 56TD-W
- Hoffman
Model A500
Model 9003-B
Zenith Models 6D014, 6D029
- Coronet
Model C-2
- Sparton
Models 7-46, 7-46PA, 8-46, 8-46PA
Stewart-Warner Models 9001-C, D, E, F
Zenith Models 5D011-5D027
- Bendix Models
636A, C, D
- ECA Model 108
International Model 66 and 666, 6-Tube Superhet
Radio, Model FT9, 6-Tube Auto-Radio Receiver
- Howard
Explorer Model W Deluxe 19 Tube All-Wave Superhet
- RCA Victor
Portable Table Electrola Model R-95
- Atwater
Kent Model 305Z 5-Tube 32 V. D.C. Superhet
- Kadette
Jewel Model 40 Chassis 3-Tube Ultra-Midget Receivers
General Electric Model N-60 6-Tube Auto Superheterodyne
Sparton Model 40 6-Tube T.R.F. Automotive Receiver
Clarion "Replacement" Chassis, Model AC-160 A.V.C. Superheterodyne
- Emerson Models
20A and 25A
- General
Electric K-40A
- Pilot Model
- RCA-Victor
Radiola Model M-30 Automotive Radio
- Motovox
Models 10A All-Electric and 10E Battery-Operated "Moto-Tetradynes"
Kennedy Superheterodyne Short-Wave Converter
Victor Model R-78 B1-Acoustic 12-Tube
- Philco
Model 15 Series, 11-Tube Superheterodyne Chassis
Zenith Challenger Model 740
Selectronne Receivers Models 1068 and 1068X
- Fada Model
155 Super Fadalette A.C.-D.C. Set
Clarion De Luxe Models AC-280 and 25-280
Crosley Model A-157 (River Roamio) Auto Radio
- Philco Model
'37-116 Codes 121 (Shadometer) and 122 (Dial Tuning)
Arvin Model 28
Philco Model 818
Fada Model 266 Motoset
Bosch Models 736, 737, 738
- RCA-Victor
Model 15U, Radio-Phonograph
- Sparton
Models 566 ("Bluebird" Mirror), A.C.-D.C. 5-Tube 2-Band Midget Superhet
- Atwater
Kent Model 776 6-Tube Auto Radio
- Stromberg-Carlson
No. 61 4-Band 7-Tube A.C.-D.C. Receiver
- Arvin Model
- Crosley
Model 58TK
- Westinghouse
Model H-165
General Electric Models G-105 and G-106
- Silvertone
"F," "FF," "G," "H," and "J"
Stewart-Warner Model 03-5A1 to 03-5A9 (Chassis 03-5A) Senior Varsity Radio
- Radiola Models
61-6, 61-7
Models H-104, H-105, H-107, H-108
- Farnsworth
Models EC-260, EK-262, EK-263, EK-264, EK-265
Models 980744, 980745
Stewart-Warner (R-127 Chassis) Models 1271 to 1279 All-Wave
- ERLA Model
4500 Dual-Wave T.R.F. 4-Tube A.C. Receiver
- Clarion No. TC-31
5-Tube A.C.-D.C. Superhet.
- Detrola Model
105C 5-Tube Dual-Band A.C.-D.C.
- Zenith
6-Tube All-Wave Chassis No. 5634
- RCA Victor
Model 261, 555 to 107 Meter
- Philco
Model 38-116; Code 125
Stewart-Warner "Ferrodyne" Chassis Model R-136
Model 43OT 5-Tube 3-Band Superheterodyne
Victor Model C9-4 9-Tube 3-Band Superheterodyne
- Kennedy "Model
826B" Combination Receiver
- Steinite
50-A and 102-A
- Pilot Model
63 All-Wave 6-Tube Superheterodyne
- Stromberg-Carlson
No. 69 4-Tube All-Wave Superhet. Selector (Converter)
Victor Model 102 4-Tube A.C.-D.C. T.R.F. Receiver
- Bosch Models 60
and 61
Atwater Kent Models 30, 33, 35, 48 and 49
- Crosley Model
120 Senior Superheterodyne (Pliodynatron) Chassis
Columbia Screen-Grid 8 Receiver
General Electric Models A82 and A87, 8-Metal-Tube All-Wave A.C. Superhet.
- Colonial
31 and 32 D.C.
- Zenith 5-Tube
Triple-Wave Chassis nos. 5508 and 5509
- Remler Model
46 ("Scottie")
- General
Electric FA-60 and FA-61
Series 900
Model B-5 (715), Series 1 and 2 (Sheaffer Radio-Clock-Pen Desk Set)
Ford-Philco Car-Radio Models F-1440 and F-1442
Brunswick Model 31 Combination Radio and Panatrope
- Emerson Models
38, 42 and 49, 6-Tube Dual-Wave (Chassis U6)
General Motors Chevrolet No. 601574 Automotive
RCA Victor M-104 (and M-108) Automotive
- Arvin-Ford
17-A Automotive
Westinghouse Model WR 207 & WR 208 5-Tube Dual-Band Superheterodyne
- Radiolas
"Super VIII" (AR-810, "Semi-Portable" (AR-812), 24 and 26
- Howard Model
45 A. V. C.
- Majestic
Model 25
Galvin Motorola Model 61
Arvin Model 6
- Admiral
Models 7T06, 7T12
- Garod Model 5A1
- Hoffman Model A301
Knight Model E10716 Battery Portable
- Arvin Models 555,
555A, 552N, 552AN
- Grantline Models
605, 606
- Truetone Model
- Belmont Model
- Arvin Models 444,
International Kadette Model 1019
Stewart-Warner Models 97-561 to 97-569
- General
Electric Model 280
- Zenith Models 5R080,
- Truetone Models
D1747, D1748
Crosley Roamio Automotive T.R.F. Models 90, 91, 92
Crosley Roamio Automotive Superheterodyne Models 95, 96
Wells-Gardner Series 062
Model AZ-196
- Belmont Model
- Crosley
- Crosley Model
Models 507, 509, 518, 522, 535
- Garod Model 6AU-1
- General
Electric Models 219, 202, 221
Crosley "Chairside" Model 567
Belmont Model 408 Battery "Farm"
- Wards Model
- Farnsworth
Models EK-081, EK-082, EK-083, EK-681
- Philco
Model 200-X Radio
Admiral "Aeroscope" Models 161-5L, 162-5L and 163-5L
- Philco
Model 59, 4-Tube A.C. Midget Superheterodyne
- Zenith
Farm Model 6V 27, 6-Tube Superhet
- Ward 10-Tube
All-Wave High-Fidelity Superhet, Series ODM
Westinghouse Model 175
- Crosley Model
- Philco Models
39 and 39A
Arvin Model 35 8-Tube Car-Radio
- Hetro
Air-Ace Series M
- Westinghouse
Models H-161, H-168, H-168A
- Garod Model 5A4
- Arvin Models 152T,
- Belmont Model 5240
- Mantola Models 92505,
- General Electric
Models 102, 102W, 107, 107W, 114, 114W, 115, 115W
- Crosley Model
555 (A.F.M.)
- Crosley Model
515 (Fiver)
- Crosley Model
425 (Travo)
Firestone-Stewart-Warner Model R1332
- Fairbanks-Morse
Model 81 "Farm" Set
- Clarion Model
423, 470, 471, 472, 480
International Radio Corp. Model 90
- Belmont Model
578 Series A