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DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe

Electronic Curves Quiz
February 1963 Popular Electronics

February 1963 Popular Electronics

February 1963 Popular Electronics Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Electronics, published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

This Electronics Curves Quiz will probably prove to be a little more of a challenge than some of the ones previously appearing in Popular Electronics magazine. Being a rocket scientist won't help you much here, but being a seasoned electronics technician, hobbyist, or engineer will sure come in handy. Be careful to note the axis unit labels - I got tripped up by that from being lazy and missed one. Surely you won't be hindered by such an oversight.

Electronic Curves Quiz

By Robert P. Balin

The operation of electronic devices and circuits is often represented by characteristic curves. See if you can match the electronic devices and circuits at left (1 - 10) with their corresponding curves (A - J).


Electronic Curves Quiz, February 1963 Popular Electronics - RF Cafe

See answers below.

Quizzes from vintage electronics magazines such as Popular Electronics, Electronics-World, QST, Radio-Electronics, and Radio News were published over the years - some really simple and others not so simple. Robert P. Balin created most of the quizzes for Popular Electronics. This is a listing of all I have posted thus far.

RF Cafe Quizzes

Vintage Electronics Magazine Quizzes

Vintage Electronics Magazine Quizzes

Vintage Electronics Magazine Quizzes








Curves Quiz Answers

  1 - I  Triode vacuum-tube plate characteristic curves.

  2 - F  RL circuit current-growth curve.

  3 - G  Microphone unidirectional cardioid polar pattern.

  4 - J  Tunnel diode voltage-current characteristic curve.

  5 - D  RC circuit current-decay curve.

  6 - A  Transistor common-emitter characteristic curves.

  7 - C  Zener diode current-voltage characteristic curve.

  8 - H  Parallel LC circuit resonance curve.

  9 - B  Series LC circuit resonance curve.

10 - E  Transformer core hysteresis loop.



Posted October 2, 2019
(updated from original post on 3/26/2014)

DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe
Crane Aerospace Electronics Microwave Solutions: Space Qualified Passive Products

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe