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Ford-Philco Car-Radio Models F-1440 and F-1442
Radio Service Data Sheet
August 1937 Radio-Craft

August 1937 Radio-Craft

August 1937 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Ford-Philco Car-Radio Models F-1442 tuning dial - RF CafeMost of the earliest automobile radios had the electronics mounted in a metal box mounted under a seat or in the trunk, separate from the dashboard tuning dial. Ditto for the power supply. The bulk and weight prevented colocation. This 1937-vintage Ford-Philco model F-1440 radio is one for which I was able to find a couple examples for sale on eBay. One claims to be fully functional and the other is in pretty rough shape. The August 1937 issue of Radio-Craft magazine included the schematic and tuning procedure for it. If your era car or truck came without a radio and you would like to finally upgrade, this is your opportunity ;-)

Ford-Philco Car-Radio Models F-1442 electronics - RF Cafe      Ford-Philco Car-Radio Models F-1442 restored - RF Cafe

Ford-Philco Car-Radio Models F-1440 and F-1442 Radio Service Data Sheet

Ford-Philco Car-Radio Models F-1440 and F-1442, August 1937 Radio-Craft Radio Service Data Sheet - RF Cafe

These two models differ in the antenna and R.F. connections (compare Fig. 1, showing the F-1440, with Fig. 2, showing the first stage of the F-1442), and there are minor differences in the bypassing (See notes indicated on Fig. 1). In the F-1440 the antenna is connected to a transformer on the roof (the Ford Rotary "Reserve Power" Aerial). and led in to a receptacle. on the receiver housing. In the F-1442, the antenna choke is on the receptacle. The roof antenna transformer is adjusted at the factory, and warning is given against attempting to readjust it. The L.F. amplifier is peaked at 260 kc, The signal generator is applied to the grid cap of V3 through a 0.1-mf. condenser. The secondary C28 of I.F.T.2 is then adjusted for maximum reading (see Fig. 3 for positions of trimmers) on the output meter; then C26. The connection is then changed over to the grid cap of V2. C24 (secondary of I.F.T.1) is then adjusted for maximum reading; then C22. With the generator still connected, adjustments are again made on C28, then C26. The R.F. amplifier is then given a 1,550-kc. signal, through a 0.1-mf. condenser. to the grid of VI. Using a piece of paper approximately 0.006-in. thick (bond paper), turn the rotor plates till the paper is held between the heel of the rotor plates and the stator plates. Leaving the' tuning condenser in this position, adjust high-frequency padder C16 and R.F. padder C12 (see Fig. 3) until maximum reading is obtained. This is the correct setting for 155 on the dial. Then mesh the condenser plate to approximately 600 kc, (60 on the dial) and apply a 600-kc. signal. Roll the condenser, and adjust the low-frequency padder C20, behind the gang, to maximum reading. Turn the plates out again to 1,550 kc.; apply the 1,550-kc. signal, and readjust C16. When adjusting the antenna stage on Model F-1440, it is important to construct and use a proper dummy antenna, and that the antenna transformer and lead be connected to the receiver. Connect a 15-mmf. condenser in series between the signal generator and the socket on the antenna transformer assembly, which is connected to the receiver; Turn the tuning condenser to 1,400 kc. and apply a 1,400-kc. signal. Then adjust CI2 and C6 for the maximum reading on the output meter. If the antenna stage is adjusted, with the receiver in a car, the receiver is connected in the usual manner, and the signal generator output applied to a wire near the car antenna, but not directly connected.



Posted November 27, 2023
(updated from original post on 6/21/2016)

Radio Service Data Sheets

These schematics, tuning instructions, and other data are reproduced from my collection of vintage radio and electronics magazines. As back in the era, similar schematic and service info was available for purchase from sources such as SAMS Photofacts, but these printings were a no-cost bonus for readers. There are 227 Radio Service Data Sheets as of December 28, 2020.

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