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withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe

Radio Circuit Page Schematics & Parts Lists
June 1948 Radio News

June 1948 Radio News

June 1948 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Here are six more schematics and parts lists for radio models current when the June 1948 issue of Radio News magazine was published. Included are the Mantola Models 92503 and 92504, the Emerson Model 508 Series 8-7434351 and Up, the Belmont Model A-5D118, the Wards Model 74BR-2707A, the Crosley Model 56TP-L, and the Admiral Model 7C60 Chassis 6B1. Of course all use vacuum tube for signal and DC power amplification and rectification. Many of the electronics magazines of the era posted these as a service to repair shops and fix-it-yourselfers who did not have access to manufacturers' technical data. A lot of the companies would sell service information only to licensed sales and service shops.

Radio Circuit Page Schematics & Parts Lists

Here, and on following pages, are circuit diagrams and parts lists of many new postwar radio receivers. Radio News will bring to you other circuits as quickly as possible after we receive them from manufacturers.

Mantola Models 92503, 92504 Schematic - RF Cafe

Mantola Models 92503, 92504

Emerson Model 508 Series 8-7434351 and Up Schematic - RF Cafe

Emerson Model 508 Series 8-7434351 and Up

Belmont Model A-5D118 Schemtic - RF Cafe

Belmont Model A-5D118

Wards Model 74BR-2707A Schematic - RF Cafe

Wards Model 74BR-2707A

Crosley Model 56TP-L Schematic - RF Cafe

Crosley Model 56TP-L

Admiral Model 7C60 Chassis 6B1 Schematic - RF Cafe

Admiral Model 7C60 Chassis 6B1

 - RF Cafe

Parts Lists



Posted March 4, 2022

Radio Service Data Sheets

These schematics, tuning instructions, and other data are reproduced from my collection of vintage radio and electronics magazines. As back in the era, similar schematic and service info was available for purchase from sources such as SAMS Photofacts, but these printings were a no-cost bonus for readers. There are 227 Radio Service Data Sheets as of December 28, 2020.

withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

LadyBug RF Power Sensors

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe