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RCA Victor Model VHR-307 Home Recording Phono-Radio Combination

Radio Service Data Sheet
May 1941 Radio-Craft

May 1941 Radio-Craft

May 1941 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

This Radio Service Data Sheet for the RCA Victor Model VHR-307 Home Recording - Phono-Radio Combination (Chassis No. RC-555) was published in the May 1941 issue of Radio-Craft magazine. It was quite a work of electronics art for its day, especially with incorporating a recording unit. We take for granted today the very simple matter of recording voice and music today with miniature, inexpensive, maintenance-free recording and playback equipment, but in the early 1930s the available media were wire, magnetic tape, and phonograph RCA Victor Model VHR-307 Home Recording ( - RF Caferecords. Phono recorders actually cut the audio bumps into the groves. Magnetic tape was considered to be a military secret up through World War II. There is an episode of M.A.S.H. where B.J. Hunnicutt receives a record from home of his wife and daughter, indicating the technology was still in use in the Korean War era. The German company BASF, familiar today for recording media (although they spun off the magnetic media group into EMTEC in 1996), pioneered the technology. BTW, you can still buy vinyl record cutters.

RCA Victor Model VHR-307 Home Recording Phono-Radio Combination (Chassis No. RC-555) Radio Service Data Sheet

RCA Victor Model VHR-307 Home Recording - Phono-Radio Combination (Chassis No. RC-555) Radio Service Data Sheet (p1), May 1941 Radio-Craft - RF Cafe

RCA Victor Model VHR-307 Home Recording - Phono-Radio Combination (Chassis No. RC-555) Radio Service Data Sheet (p2), May 1941 Radio-Craft - RF Cafe

RCA Victor Model VHR-307 Home Recording - Phono-Radio Combination (Chassis No. RC-555)

Radio Service Data Sheet


Posted March 20, 2016

Radio Service Data Sheets

These schematics, tuning instructions, and other data are reproduced from my collection of vintage radio and electronics magazines. As back in the era, similar schematic and service info was available for purchase from sources such as SAMS Photofacts, but these printings were a no-cost bonus for readers. There are 227 Radio Service Data Sheets as of December 28, 2020.


TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe
Temwell Filters

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe

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