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Philco Model 38-116; Code 125
Radio Service Data Sheet
February 1938 Radio-Craft

February 1938 Radio-Craft

February 1938 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Philco Model 38-116; Code 125, February 1938 Radio-Craft (Philco Forum photo) - RF CafeA fair number of these Philco Model 38-116 Code 125 floor-sitting console style radios are still in existence and have been restored by collectors. They appear on eBay and vintage radio blogs. I have been scanning and posting Radio Service Data Sheets like this one for many years now. Having two full pages devoted to a single radio like this from a 1938 issue of Radio-Craft magazine is rare. There are still many people who restore and service these vintage radios, and often it can be difficult or impossible to find schematics and/or tuning information. A running list of all data sheets can be found at the bottom of the page to facilitate a search.

Philco Model 38-116; Code 125

Philco Model 38-116; Code 125, February 1938 Radio-Craft (222) - RF CafePhilco Model 38-116; Code 125, February 1938 Radio-Craft (221) - RF CafeRadio-Frequency Circuit: 1. Connect the Signal Generator output cable to the "Red" and "Blk". terminals on the aerial panel (rear of chassis). The ground connection of the cable should be connected to the "Blk" terminal. Set the controls as given under "Intermediate-Frequency Circuit" (a-b-e-d) and set the Range Switch, Signal Generator and Receiver Dials as given in the following procedure.


Magnetic Tuning Circuit Adjustment: (a) Set the Magnetic Tuning Switch in the "out" position (counter-clockwise). (b) Volume Control maximum (extreme clockwise) . (c) Turn Treble-Selectivity control to the Selective position (extreme clockwise). (d) Now turn the signal generator indicator to the 1,000·kc. mark and adjust the "Attenuator" control for a weak signal. Then adjust the receiver dial for maximum output at this frequency.

NOTE: The receiver dial MUST be tuned very accurately to the 1,000-kc. signal in order to make the following adjustments correctly. (e) After adjusting the receiver dial, turn the Magnetic Tuning Switch "on". (f) Now, turn compensator 53B slightly to the right or left (about 1/4 turn) and proceed with adjustment "g". (g) Adjust compensator 53A primary of the discriminator transformer for minimum output; then readjust compensator 53B secondary of discriminator transformer for maximum output.



Posted July 3, 2023
(updated from original post on 12/27/2016)

Radio Service Data Sheets

These schematics, tuning instructions, and other data are reproduced from my collection of vintage radio and electronics magazines. As back in the era, similar schematic and service info was available for purchase from sources such as SAMS Photofacts, but these printings were a no-cost bonus for readers. There are 227 Radio Service Data Sheets as of December 28, 2020.

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe
TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

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