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RCA Victor Models 54B1, 54B-N, 54B2, 54B3 Radio Data Sheet 335
May 1946 Radio-Craft

May 1946 Radio-Craft

May 1946 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Sometimes finding an existing instance of one of the vintage radios is difficult or impossible. The RCA Victor Model 54Bx portables are an exception. Plenty can be found for purchase on eBay as this is written, as was a 54B1, 54B3, and a 54B4. I did a capture of some of the listing images for a Model 54B2, and had Archive.org story a copy for once the eBay site deletes it. In the internal photos, all four miniature vacuum tubes (3S4, 1S5, 1R5, 1T4) can be clearly seen. Note also in the photos you can see where, per the alignment procedure, rubber bands have been place around the tubes in order to keep them from moving. The extremely cramped space required particular attention to the routing of interconnect wires. Note how much room the 67.5 V, "B" battery needs.

RCA Victor Models 54B1, 54B-N, 54B2, 54B3 Radio Data Sheet 335

RCA Victor Model 54B2

RCA Victor Model 54B2 portable radio (eBay photo 1) - RF Cafe

RCA Victor Model 54B2 portable radio (eBay photo 2) - RF Cafe

RCA Victor Model 54B2 portable radio (eBay photo 3) - RF Cafe

RCA Victor Model 54B2 portable radio (eBay photo 6)

This Model 54B2 was on eBay at the time of this posting.

RCA Victor Models 54B1, 54B-N, 54B2, 54B3 Radio Data Sheet 335, May 1946, Radio-Craft - RF CafeSpecifications

Frequency Range 550-1,600 kc. Intermediate Frequency 455 kc.

 Alignment Procedure

Test Oscillator - Connect test oscillator as indicated in chart, keeping the output as low as possible to avoid a.v.c. action.

Output Meter - Connect meter from top lug of TB1 (plate of 354) to ground. Turn volume control to maximum position.

*Steps 3, 4 and 5, shown in alignment table, require a coupling loop from the signal generator to feed a signal into the receiver loop located in the lid. This loop should be approximately one turn of 6 x 3½ inches coupled to the signal generator through a 200 μμf capacitor, and loosely coupled to the receiver loop antenna at about 1¾ inches distance, so as not to disturb the receiver loop inductance. Ground test oscillator through 0.1 mf. capacitor to receiver chassis.

Critical Lead Dress

1. Dress blue, green and black leads of second i.f. transformer as direct as possible. If excess lead exists, dress down side of socket and flat as possible against chassis to transformer opening.

2. Cross the green and the black leads inside the first i.f. transformer can, keeping the green lead to the outside. Keep the blue and the green leads separated as far as possible throughout their length.

3. Dress audio coupling capacitor (C14, .002 uf.) and the lead to the volume control up and underneath the shelf supporting the output transformer.

4. Dress the three capacitors pyramided behind the speaker, parallel to the complete assembly and with enough room behind the battery holder to allow the holder to move when a battery is installed or removed.

5. Dress the "B" battery leads behind the gang frame and over the top of the output transformer.

6. Observe the outside foil connections on all paper capacitors, also the polarity of the electrolytic capacitor (C17).

 7. Keep blue and red leads of output transformer above the mounting shelf.

Note: Do not install "A" battery without cardboard cover.

A rubber band should be placed around each one of the tubes for cushioning.



Posted May 7, 2021

Radio Service Data Sheets

These schematics, tuning instructions, and other data are reproduced from my collection of vintage radio and electronics magazines. As back in the era, similar schematic and service info was available for purchase from sources such as SAMS Photofacts, but these printings were a no-cost bonus for readers. There are 227 Radio Service Data Sheets as of December 28, 2020.

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