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Besides the considerations of noise and noise figure, the capabilities of receivers are highly dependent
on the type of receiver design. Most receiver designs are trade-offs of several conflicting requirements. This is
especially true of the Electronic Support Measures (ESM) receivers used in Electronic Warfare. This section
consists of a figure and tables that provide a brief comparison of various common ESM receiver types. Figure 1
shows block diagrams of four common ESM receivers. Table 1 is a comparison of major features of receivers. Table 2
shows the receiver types best suited for various types of signals and Tables 3 and 4 compare several direction of
arrival (DOA) and emitter location techniques. Table 5 shows qualitative and quantitative comparisons of receiver

Figure 1. Common ESM Receiver Block Diagrams
Table 1. Comparison of Major Features of Receivers

Table 2. Receiver Types vs. Signal Types

Table 3. Direction of Arrival Measurement Techniques

Table 4. Emitter Location Techniques

Table 5. Qualitative Comparison of Receivers From NRL Report

Table of Contents for Electronics Warfare and Radar Engineering Handbook
Introduction |
Abbreviations | Decibel | Duty
Cycle | Doppler Shift | Radar Horizon / Line
of Sight | Propagation Time / Resolution | Modulation
| Transforms / Wavelets | Antenna Introduction
/ Basics | Polarization | Radiation Patterns |
Frequency / Phase Effects of Antennas |
Antenna Near Field | Radiation Hazards |
Power Density | One-Way Radar Equation / RF Propagation
| Two-Way Radar Equation (Monostatic) |
Alternate Two-Way Radar Equation |
Two-Way Radar Equation (Bistatic) |
Jamming to Signal (J/S) Ratio - Constant Power [Saturated] Jamming
| Support Jamming | Radar Cross Section (RCS) |
Emission Control (EMCON) | RF Atmospheric
Absorption / Ducting | Receiver Sensitivity / Noise |
Receiver Types and Characteristics |
General Radar Display Types |
IFF - Identification - Friend or Foe | Receiver
Tests | Signal Sorting Methods and Direction Finding |
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) / Reflection Coefficient / Return
Loss / Mismatch Loss | Microwave Coaxial Connectors |
Power Dividers/Combiner and Directional Couplers |
Attenuators / Filters / DC Blocks |
Terminations / Dummy Loads | Circulators
and Diplexers | Mixers and Frequency Discriminators |
Detectors | Microwave Measurements |
Microwave Waveguides and Coaxial Cable |
Electro-Optics | Laser Safety |
Mach Number and Airspeed vs. Altitude Mach Number |
EMP/ Aircraft Dimensions | Data Busses | RS-232 Interface
| RS-422 Balanced Voltage Interface | RS-485 Interface |
IEEE-488 Interface Bus (HP-IB/GP-IB) | MIL-STD-1553 &
1773 Data Bus | This HTML version may be printed but not reproduced on websites.