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The Dellinger effect, also known as the propagation delay or the interplanetary
scintillation (IPS) effect, is a phenomenon related to the interaction of solar
eruptions with the interplanetary medium and its impact on radio communications.
Solar eruptions, such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and flares, release large
amounts of energy and material into space. These events can produce disturbances
in the solar wind, which is the constant flow of charged particles from the Sun
that permeates the solar system.
When a CME or flare travels through the solar wind, it can create density variations
in the plasma that cause radio waves to refract or bend. This bending of radio waves
can result in fluctuations in the signal strength and phase, which can lead to radio
scintillation and signal fading. This effect can be particularly significant for
radio waves that pass through the ionosphere, the uppermost part of the Earth's
atmosphere that contains free electrons and ions that can interact with radio waves.
The Dellinger effect is named after Dr. T.S. Dellinger, who first observed this
phenomenon in the 1950s. IPS observations have since become an important tool for
studying the structure and dynamics of the solar wind and the interplanetary medium,
as well as for monitoring space weather and its effects on radio communications.
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