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The Golden Ratio, also known as the Golden Mean or Golden Section, is a
mathematical concept that has been recognized as aesthetically pleasing and has
been used in art, architecture, and design for centuries.
The Golden Ratio is an irrational number that is approximately equal to
1.6180339887... (the digits go on infinitely without repeating). It is
represented by the Greek letter phi (φ).
The Golden Ratio can be expressed as a simple algebraic equation: φ = (1 +
√5) / 2
This equation states that the ratio of the whole to the larger part is the
same as the ratio of the larger part to the smaller part. In other words, if a
line is divided into two parts such that the ratio of the longer part to the
shorter part is equal to the ratio of the whole line to the longer part, then
the ratio of the longer part to the shorter part is the Golden Ratio.
The Golden Ratio is found in many aspects of nature, including the
proportions of the human body, the structure of DNA, the shape of galaxies, and
the spirals of shells and pinecones. It is also used in art and design, such as
in the layout of books, the design of logos, and the composition of paintings.
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