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Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)

To calculate the EIRP (Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power) taking into account antenna gain, transmission line loss, and transmitter output power, you'll need the following information:

Transmitter Output Power (PT) - The power supplied by the transmitter, typically measured in watts (W). Antenna Gain (G) - The gain of the antenna, usually specified in decibels relative to an isotropic radiator (dBi). Transmission Line Loss (TL) - The loss introduced by the transmission line connecting the transmitter to the antenna, typically specified in decibels (dB). The formula to calculate EIRP with transmission line loss is as follows:

EIRP = PT + G - TL

Where EIRP, PT, G, and TL are expressed in the same units (usually watts or decibels).

Here's an example to illustrate the calculation:

Let's assume you have a transmitter with an output power of 100 watts (PT), an antenna with a gain of 10 dBi (G), and a transmission line with a loss of 3 dB (TL). To calculate the EIRP:

EIRP = 100 watts + 10 dBi - 3 dB

Note that when adding the power and gain values, you don't need to convert dBi to watts, as they are already expressed on the same logarithmic scale. Similarly, when subtracting the transmission line loss, you can directly subtract the dB value.

Remember that EIRP represents the power radiated by the antenna system, and it's important to consider legal limits and regulations regarding EIRP for specific applications or regions.

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